The All in One Package that includes:
The Big Bad Bank, The New World Bank, The New World Bank Religion & Rulers & The World Conservation Bank: Revisited.
Tag: Federal Reserve
The New World Bank
George Hunt’s re-master of the original edition of the New World Bank documentary from 1988. In this video George talks with Charles Wheeling about his findings at the 4th World Wilderness Congress the year before.
The New World Bank: Religion and Rulers
George Hunt’s re-master of the original edition of the New World Bank, Religion and Rulers documentary from 1988. In this video George talks with Charles Wheeling about his findings at the 4th World Wilderness Congress the year before.
The New World Bank: Religion and Rulers Ad
The New World Bank: Ad
George Hunt’s The Big Bad Bank – All in One
The All in One Package that includes:
The Big Bad Bank, The New World Bank, The New World Bank Religion & Rulers & The World Conservation Bank: Revisited.
Obama’s Bad Choice in Timothy Geithner
Conversations with George W. Hunt Ad
Facebook Corporation — Corruption and Control Ad
Federal Reserve Closed Saturday Ad
The United Nations Enters A New Era Of Authority
On January 18, 2012, a major United Nations event will occur. International water and food recommendations will be passed at the 2012 NCSE Conference in Washington DC that will devastate society. UN control of the earth’s fresh water will be recommended “for the welfare of humanity everywhere” and later passed into law by the General Assembly and the Security Council.
The intentions and proposals of the Rothschild family for world control are embedded into these recommendations. The international banking community will underwrite bond issues for vast environment projects. Baron Rothschild disclosed at a UN meeting that the projects will often be inoperative and technologically unsound. He also admitted that indigenous peoples and wildlife will be problematic to his plans for the UN-Banker world water corporation. Please view my mid-December 2011 videotapes at “” explaining the whole situation. They’re called “Water Water Everywhere” and I think you’ll like them. Yours Truly, George W Hunt
Facebook: Corruption and Control
Conversations with George W. Hunt
Conversations with George Hunt Pt 5: George Hunt Answers the Tough Questions by Talk Host Jann Scott
George W Hunt
Conversations with George Hunt Pt 4: Congress Does the Wishes of the Federal Reserve
George Hunt Store
Here is my new Store on The Big Bad Bank website. Browse through for videos, tapes and my book on how the New World Order has been plotting against you for 1000’s of years. Plus I have new material on 911 and how false Jews took down the World Trade centers
Conversations with George Hunt Pt 1: Family Trusts and Foundations
from George Hunt on The Big Bad Bank
I hope you visit my recent videotapes at ““. They penetrate into some of the bizarre tricks of the global elite. Thanks!
George Hunt
Part II: Who Owns and Controls Facebook Corporation?
Federal Reserve Closed Saturday
George W. Hunt reveals his finding on the Federal Reserve and Illuminist Bankers involved in the takeover of the worlds money.