
George Hunt has passed away. The body of his video series, book and writings have been left here in this website. You may share these videos as you wish. He would want that. His store has been closed. If you some how are able to order through paypay here, you money will be immediately refunded. and so has his you tube and live channels. – See more at:
A collection of videos with George W. Hunt, from 1988 to present times, including productions, television productions, live streaming videos, presentations, printed material that’s covered in video, as well as more to come.

February 22, 2013
Continuing in this breaking story George Hunt now produces his latest video on how Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obam conspire to fleece the American people of 307 Billion dollars by creating an internet in Africa for bush tribes!

George Hunt presents his findings on what the governments 307 billion dollars in grants to the Silicon valley are going to. In this investigation he uncovers the results almost 2 years after the original grants were proposed and we learn that a lot of that money is going in to build an internet pipeline in Africa and bringing African people online. George asks the looming question of why would we want to invest 10 percent of the US budget into Africa.

Pt. 2 – Jann Scott interviews George W. Hunt on the new video The African Internet, Silicon Valley and The Alliance for an affordable internet and they dig deeper into the issue of why America would want to spend so much money investing in African internet and providing the continent with more affordable technology resources when the returns on the initial work are so very small in comparison.

Full Video Descriptions Here

Find more info on the noted meeting in the The Murder of Ilya Zhitomirskiy

George Hunt talks about President Obama’s bad choice in placing Timothy F. Geithner as the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Obama choose Geithner because Bernanke needed a corrupt insider to work with the Fed and the international banking elite. George explains how Geithner was almost indicted for tax evasion in previous years before taking his position as the Secretary, we learn more about this in George Hunt’s previous video about the Stolen Kennedy Bonds.

Full Video Descriptions Here

A 2 Part Series including interviews on the topics that George Hunt calls Creative Destruction. In the first part George Hunt explains how the New World Order is using World War III scare tactics to sell us the war and as a way to help employment and the economy. George also talks about the world wilderness fund in which the Rothschild’s bankers will provide the financing for large wilderness based projects in essence taking control of the earth and world domination.

Full Video Descriptions Here

A special video presented by George Hunt who talks about the death of Ilya Zhitomirskiy. Ilya Zhitomirskiy was a young and very intelligent man who worked with his acquaintances to develop a social media website called Diaspora. Diaspora is still in its developmental stages but it was gaining a lot of recognition as a great alternative to other social sites like Facebook. George talks about how the death of Ilya Zhitomirskiy was in all likelihood a murder and he talks about how this could have come about and who might be behind it. Was it a paramour brought about by the competitive website he was developing? George was the first person to question the death and now he wants to know, Who Killed Ilya Zhitomirskiy.

Full Video Descriptions Here

On January 18, 2012, a major United Nations event will occur. International water and food recommendations will be passed at the 2012 NCSE Conference in Washington DC that will devastate society. UN control of the earth’s fresh water will be recommended “for the welfare of humanity everywhere” and later passed into law by the General Assembly and the Security Council.

The intentions and proposals of the Rothschild family for world control are embedded into these recommendations. The international banking community will underwrite bond issues for vast environment projects. Baron Rothschild disclosed at a UN meeting that the projects will often be inoperative and technologically unsound. He also admitted that indigenous peoples and wildlife will be problematic to his plans for the UN-Banker world water corporation. Please view my mid-December 2011 videotapes at “” explaining the whole situation. They’re called “Water Water Everywhere” and I think you’ll like them.

Yours Truly,
George W Hunt

In 1992 George Hunt was fully engulfed in investigating the the New World Order and architects of a One World Bank. To further the Development of this bank and its effects on the Earth’s land, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development a.k.a. UNCED Earth Summit Meeting on June 3-14th , 1992 was held. Prior to this George Hunt recorded this video to heighten awareness of what secret agenda they might have from this meeting.

UNCED Earth Summit 1992 Pt. 1 – In Our Hands
George Hunt introduces the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) which takes place in June of 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. This video will show strong evidence that the persons running the UNCED Earth Summit are actually setting a net to place the power over the Earth and it’s people into the hands of the World Order. We also learn about some events leading up to the Earth Summit and people involved behind the mask.

UNCED Earth Summit 1992 Pt.2 – What is the World Summit Meeting and Who’s behind it?
The UNCED world summit meeting is a key event in a series of environment meetings which have occurred since 1972 most of which were convened by Maurice Strong and the Rothschilds. George hunt goes on to explain about previous Earth Summits and provides some examples of phrases, documents and audio recordings from the meetings.

UNCED Earth Summit 1992 Pt. 3– The First, Seconds, Third Worlds
The First World, Second World, Third Worlds are used to describe blocks of political entities. The First World is the capitalist countries of Europe and North America who are industrial and therefore the world’s biggest polluters. The Second World is the Soviet Union and the Eastern bloc countries. The Second world countries are going to be saved by a Second Marshall plan created by the Rothschild Group, the truth comes out and we see examples of it in effect already. The Third World are those countries who have emerged since World War II, they are young and easily fooled and the World Bank drains their assets even faster than they can blink. In an article we see, Maurice Strong suggest that the Third World poor countries may start an uprising at the World Economic Forum held in Switzerland and demand that the First World countries sign an agreement to reduce their impact on the environment.

UNCED Earth Summit 1992 Pt. 4 – The Fourth World
The Fourth World is referred to as the coming One World Government where there are no more First, Second and Third World governments, it will be a return to a society much like Caesars or Babylon or the Third Reich. The UNCED Earth summit will link environment with industry and they will be the masters of who gets what and when. We hear a recording from the 4th world Wilderness Congress where Maurice strong introduces Baron Edmund de Rothschild as the positive synthesis between the Environment Conservation on one hand (Thesis) and Economic Development on the other (Antithesis).

UNCED Earth Summit 1992 Pt.5 – Politicians and Bureaucrats Exposed
David Rockefeller and William Ruckelshaus were speakers at the 4th world wilderness congress, Ruckelshaus being the representative of the Environment and Rockefeller being the representative of Development. The Hypocrisy behind this matchup is that they are also the men who make the Laws behind what they can do to the environment. So Who’s Behind the UNCED Earth Summit Meetings? This question is as easy as following the money. In an audio recording we hear Edmund de Rothschild suggest we develop ways to maintain the temperature of the Polar Ice Caps with inoperative and modern technologies as an example of what the might do with the money in this bank.

UNCED Earth Summit 1992 Pt. 6 – The 4th World Wilderness Congress Audio Recordings
We listen to a voice recording from the 4th WorId wilderness congress of Edmund de Rothschild who talks about the concept of the bank they have planned during this conference and how the wilderness has a part of their investments, created by Michael Sweatman.

A 5 part series titled Conversations with George W. Hunt, including his talks on Family Trusts and Foundations, Scott Paper Co. and My Lost Job, Members of Congress for Peace Through Law, Congress Does the Wishes of the Federal Reserve, and George Hunt Answers the Tough Questions by Talk Host Jann Scott. In these talks we learn more about how the big bankers and the government are moving closer and closer to a New World Order domination and almost without a choice due to pressure from the shareholders who control the Federal Reserve and that money which controls even our government and worldwide policies that effect even our beliefs as individuals.

Pt. 1 – Trust Games
George W. Hunt talks about Family Trusts and how they’re used against us by the very rich. The rich put all their assets into a Pure Equity Trust which allow them to in essence evade the Taxes that apply to a normal tax payer. George tells us how he experienced in firsthand how the IRS prevented him from getting a trust of his own and why this continues to prove how America is not a free country, how the IRS is a rotten origination and the very rich have special tax relief that make our income tax look like a joke.

Pt. 2 – Scott Paper Co. and My Lost Job
In the second part of the Conversations with George Washington Hunt we learn about how Mr. Hunt lost his Job at a large multinational corporation because he questioned them about their pollution policies. George had sold paper products at a company, formally known as, Scott Paper Co. At a particular company meeting he was asked to put in his thoughts and ask any questions he’d like. George asked the vice presidents at Scott Paper about what kinds of plans they have for balancing out their harmful pollutions on the environment. George was approached after he headed back to work and was told that the question he asked stirred up too much dissatisfactory buzz that George speaking up for the environment and down to corporate policy is the fine line that they didn’t want to cross so they decided his time at the company had to be expelled.
Pt. 3 – Members of Congress for Peace Through Law
In the Members of Congress for Peace through Law portion of the Conversations with George W. Hunt we learn about this special group of educators that influence and quite possibly designate who stays in as a part of the US congress and senate. George talks about a conversation he had with a member of the MCPL who explained what they do as an organization to persuade new house representatives to join and follow a New World Order ideal.

Pt 4 – Congress Does the Wishes of the Federal Reserve
Our Senator and Representatives finally haggled ou the Debt Relief Bill in August, 2011 and George Washington Hunt talks about the implications that congress has agreed upon and how they are basically just doing what the Federal Reserve is telling them to do. This just increases the truth that a New World Order Conspiracy is not a conspiracy but an actual Fact in the makings and George goes on to remind us of some of the players who have part in history of this New World Order. Dissemblers is what Mr. Hunt calls them, a con artist or two face in essence, someone who harbors a secret agenda in the heart that is contrary to the thing he or she represents. Watch out they’re everywhere.

Pt 5 – George Hunt Answers the Tough Questions by Talk Host Jann Scott
George Hunt answers tough questions by talk show host Jann Scott, covering the 4 part series of Conversations With George W. Hunt. Starting with Part 1 – Family Trusts and Foundations and the way rich people get away with completely avoiding taxes. In Part 2 – Scott Paper Co. and My Lost Job George answers Jann from his personal experiences on how the big corporations are the ones who need to do more to help the environment because they are the big cause of pollution. Part 3 Members of Congress Through Peace Through Law, Jann questions George about his claims on the members of the U.S. congress being treasonous in their unreserved choice to be controlled by the New World Order. Last but not least, Jann asks about the topics that George talks on in Part 4 – Congress Does the Wishes of the Federal Reserve, and George explains how he was trying to tie in the relationship between the Federal Reserve and the American People.

In 1964 and 65 I sold paper products in Brooklyn for the Scott Paper Company. After leaving a customer one day I saw firemen evacuating people from a burning apartment building. It was an old three-story apartment house and it was burning fast. The evacuation was under control. I watched for awhile and then prepared to leave. On the way to my car I saw fire problems in the back side of the building.. People were rushing out of doorways and some were climbing out of the lower-story windows. A seperate fire from the one in front had erupted. I ran to a fireman who then ran for ladder assistance in the front. In the meantime, I helped people evacuate through their lower-story windows with my back. I recall an overweight woman crunched me hard to get out of her window.

Suddenly a mother came up to me and pleaded “My baby’s up there!” We located her window and a fireman climbed up to the window and emerged with the mother’s baby just in time.

I asked a fireman later how two fires could occur at the same time in the building. He said that Bedford-Stuyvesant, a district of Brooklyn, was now a slum neighborhood. It was a very nice black residential area in 1900, a mecca for the freed slaves of the south. He told me that Jewish lightning, a New York City slang word for arson, is a fire deliberately set for gain, revenge or some other evil reason. Because there were so many Jewish landlords in New York City, Jewish lightining was attributed to Jewish land owners and developers. People died in these fires too but they kept on with their arson.

Do two fires ignite at the same time in a legitimate fire? No, they do not. The owners’ usual defense was that it was an anti-semitic attack. If he was an Italian, it was a gang prank or the Mafia. I remembered two stores that I used to call on had recently burned down. One was Jewish and one was Italian.

I will now share the most-astounding Jewish lightning story that has ever occurred. Perhaps the greatest Jewish lightning story ever told. A wealthy New York City landlord/developer named Larry A. Silverstein happened to win the contract for the leasing rights of the World Trade Center complex. He bought the 99-year lease from the Port Authority of New York on July 24, 2001, about seven weeks before the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. In case anything happened to the building Mr. Silverstein insured his lease rights for $3.55 billion with 24 insurance companies plus a contract with the Port Authority of New York that specified that if the World Trade Center buildings were ever destroyed, Silverstein Properties would have the right to rebuild any new buildings at their former location. Silverstein’s insured properties were destroyed on September 11, 2001. Poor Silverstein saw his lease business go up in smoke and flames in just seven weeks.

Silverstein eventually got a court settlement of $4.577 billion, an extra billon dollars in payoffs because some insuranace awards were for two, not one, incidents. He divided a portion of his insurance bet with the New York Port Authority.

“America Rebuilds”, a 2002 PBS Documentary, interviewed Silverstein about the 9/11 tragedy. The Wikipedia article about Larry Silverstein quotes him as saying: “I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, ‘We ‘ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it’. And ‘they’ made that decision to pull and then we watched the building collapse”. Enquote.

Why did the overwhelmed fire chief of New York City call Silverstein for advice the fire chief himself was more prepared to judge? By what means did the fire chief have the power to quickly pull it down? Wasn’t it actually Silverstein who made the final decision to collapse the building? I’m still confused about this tragedy and the thought lingers in my mind: Was 9/11 an Arab attack or was it a Jewish attack?

I have prepared an interesting videotape entitled “George Hunt and Jewish Lightning-Part 2”. It deals with the Lower Downtown Manhattan Association, the mighty power of Rockefeller country. David founded the association in 1958 and said in 2008 that this organization has already surpassed his dreams. Please watch Part 2 of this Jewish lightning series and please tell your contacts to see it on Youtube. Thank you for viewing and listening.

George W Hunt

Hello, my name is George Hunt. This is Part I of a two-part expose of Facebook Corporation. I have diligently studied the psychopathic European international banking elite for 40 years. Most of them have no respect for the rights of the common people. They are an elite, criminal, group of filthy rich Jews who are not Jews. History proves that wars, assassinations, currency destruction, most global chaos and the destruction of entire societies, have been hatched by these ravenous beasts that haunt society. I have traced the ancestry of these bragging beasts back to the families of Herod the Great and even farther back to Esau, son of Isaac, in about 1800 BC. God said he hated Esau even before he was born to Rebecca, their mother. Esau was named Edom because he was colored Red, which means Red Child, when he was born. I believe that the names of Rothschild and Rockefeller are anagrams for Edom or “Red Child”, that is, Rot Child and Rocke (red) Feller (child). Now these hated families are hatching a new, demonic plan. It is called Facebook Corporation. Founded by a sly vicious, unethical, immoral liar, now the venture capitalists, the sly liars who now own Facebook will torment society. The banking elite will not only own and control Facebook, they’ll own the communication system similar to George Orwell’s prophetic picture of Big Brother.

Every piece of information we text or email is stored in Facebook’s memories. If someone wants to pay Facebook for a deep psychological profile of your life, Facebook will someday provide the information, including a psychoanalysis a la Microsoft and PayPal software. Court prosecutors are already using cell phone histories against the defendant. Someday the Constitution and the Bill of Rights will be a thing of the past. Goodbye privacy; our lives will someday become as Satan directs. IBM, Microsoft, PayPal, Rothschild, Rockefeller, big bankers, they’re all in this together. Rothschild’s puppet, Comrade Lenin told us once “NWO life will be like a boot kicking you in the face every day”.

Wikipedia’s exhaustive 20-page report about Facebook Corporation provides many of the facts that make me conclude that Facebook’s owners are actually a bunch of greedy, dishonest sociopaths. Look at it: Facebook Corporation’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, has been sued for privacy and patent invasions since 2004, including stealing a trusting client’s source code. Facebook lost the case and had to pay $65 million in restitution. Now Zuckerberg may lose a securities fraud case. How ironic it is that a person who has little regard for privacy would be the inventor and CEO of a vast social site!

President Obama warned us to not put anything personal into Facebook. Every item one puts into Facebook is a permanent, obtainable, record for the Facebook owners to use against you.

I’ll tell you the names of Facebook’s owners in Part II of this two-part presentation: Does Goldman Sachs ring a bell? How about Rothschild, Warburg, JP Morgan Chase, Rockefeller, Bank Leumi of Tel Aviv, PayPal, and Microsoft? The names of the venture capital investors of Facebook are hidden behind street names of banks and venture capital groups, but I will do my best in Part II of this two-part warning letter about Facebook Corporation. Thank you for listening thus-far; and now watch Part II: Who are the individuals that own Facebook Corporation?

George W Hunt

Hello, my name is George Hunt. Today I want to speak to you about my forthcoming visit to North Africa. Business-wise, I am looking for entrepreneurs to begin mining potash in the Western Sahara. Second, I need a rest from my two intense years of videotape presentations, public speaking engagements and correspondence. The third reason for my trip, the most important reason, is to enlighten the Muslim people that Al Qaeda is methodically destroying the Muslim society piece by piece while the bankers of the U.S. and Europe are funding these campaigns of terror. The intention of the New World Order is to overwhelm and destroy the People of Muhammad and the Koran with armed violence. The West has created terrorism that is ripping the Muslim nations apart. They have instigated the recent North African rebellions, breeding chaos to unseat the governing authorities of the North African regions.

Muslims believe that Jesus Christ (Isa) will return at a time close to the end of the world. That time is now: their Redeemer is poised to be embraced by the Muslim people. The Koran, Muhammad the Prophet of God, the New Testament, the Old Testament and the Torah actually agree with one another, with few exceptions, that Jesus will descend at the point of a white arcade east of Damascus Jesus is considered a Muslim because his life embraced the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. The Muslims believe that Jesus, the son of Mary, will slay the Antichrist and then there will be one community of believers in Jesus Christ: the Muslim community.

In Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 43, Number 656, Abu Huraira, Allah’s Apostle, said, “The Hour, will not be established until the Son of Mary descends among you as a just ruler.” Based upon Muhammad’s prophetic teachings, Islam will accept Jesus Christ and I believe that time is fast approaching. The time has come for Islam to take the cross of the Messiah on their shoulders and defeat the enemies who wish to destroy their lives. Signs and wonders will follow the people of the Book as they spread the Good News that Islam and Jesus are one.

The Book of Mark 23:26 tells us that a person named Simon the Cyrene (of Libya), was forcibly pulled from the crowd to carry Jesus’ cross for Him. Simon was the only person who helped Jesus in his death-march to Golgotha and now Simon, Muslim Africa, is, again, being called upon to carry Jesus’ cross in these end times. Edmond de Rothschild admitted once that the only thing the Rothschild Dynasty feared was the Levant, the Muslim people. If Islam would only awaken themselves of the doom planned for them by their enemies and follow Jesus, it would dramatically change Rothschild’s plans for world conquest of all people everywhere. I am very pleased to be included in this wonderful act by the Holy Spirit. We’ll all see what happens when and if the miracles, signs and wonders of supernatural occurrence come to pass in the Muslim world and make them believe in their Messiah, Isa. More information about Jesus in Islam can be found in the Wikipedia under “Jesus in Islam”. I hope you are not offended with this religious-type message.

George W Hunt

Hello, my name is George Hunt. My work in my retirement years is to educate people about the intrigue and conspiracy within the obscure, powerful, areas of international finance and banking. I was the CEO of a corporation and know the business of business and that is “Money drives the World”. As a result, all religions caution that “The love of money is the root of all evil”. I expose the evils of the money systems within the high echelons of the international banking world as they occur. Examples of my work can be seen at my site called

War, depression, inflation, poverty and disease are the hallmarks of the international banking elite. Historical records confirm that all wars since, at least, the French Revolution, have been created by the war-for-money groups. Not all of the personages are guilty of greed; many are honorable people—but the greed of the owners eventually filters downwards. The top of their heap is Lucifer, their patron saint. At the bottom of the heap, after they pillage the world currencies and the people, are we, the common people. We suffer and bear the deprivations they create for us.

I call the banking conspiracy the Roman-Israel money conspiracy because many of the bankers are the false-Jews of Edom, descendants of Herod the Great. They run Israel while the Pretender of Rome steers his banking power through the European bank syndicates. For example, look at the numerous swindling charges lodged against the Vatican Bank and Banco Ambrosiano in 1982 and 2009 for money-laundering and other illegal activities. If one studies current Roman banking they will see that Ettore Gotti Tsedeschi, “God’s Banker of the Vatican” is also the Chairman of the Board of Banco Ambrosiano! Talk about a conflict of interest! Money-laundering, swindling, you name it– those two banks are at the top of the Roman conspiracy and they are always in cahoots with each other..

Anyway, here’s today’s news. A huge $45 Trillion financial cabal area exists that has gone unregulated– and Congress believes it’s time to fix it. The international banking industry and Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner oppose regulation, of course, because they’re the source of the problem. They have a lucrative monopoly of buying and selling currencies and they DO NOT WANT Congress to regulate the industry.

Currency trading is actually a very basic, uncomplicated, industry and it is not dishonest in itself. But in these days of a global economy, the business is rocking and rolling to the tune of $45 Trillion in trades per year. The Soros-Rothschild group, for instance, timed a sale of $10 Billion in English pounds in September 1992 to win a $1 Billion profit in one day. They either had insider info about the currency event or a competent computer analyst told them when to move. I think it was “insider” info.

This $45 Trillion market does need regulation, but by whom? Unfortunately, Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner wants to control the regulations but that’s a different subject. Congress will succeed in regulating the industry but the regulations will be written by the same international banking syndicates that will be regulated. Either way, the bankers will win. Jonathan Swift, an Irish essayist in the early half of the 1700’s, wrote a satire in which he said “Laws are like spider webs: They catch the little flies but the big flies break through and steal again”.

Currency speculators have now overrun the industry like locusts. They make routine profits when traders in the export-import businesses wish to cover their trading deals at guaranteed currency values. But the MBA boys of today get in and out of currency markets quickly, taking profits on small spreads multiplied by billions of dollars. These greedy plays agitate the currency markets with their vast multi-billion dollar gambles, getting in or out while the currency goes up and down in value while other gamblers try to buy in when the upward cycle increases the value of the currency, scooping up the currency when it falls to a lower price and, hopefully for them, selling the currency at a higher value. This is what is called the “Forex market”.

I was permitted by the Chase-Manhattan Bank of New York back in 1960 to study their Forex department as part of my finance degree at the University of Kansas. I had a calling to the arbitrage industry. “Arbitrage” was the general name of the financial process which is now called Forex or “currency swaps and forwards derivatives”. That was over 50 years ago and the process has since been eroded and encapsulated into a frantic, frenetic industry of greed and fear.

As I said, the industry will be regulated, but by the very same bankers who require regulation– in spite of Congress. As long as they’re going wild, let us require a tax on these unsettling trades to assist the U.S. and other countries to get out of debt: Congress can legally demand a tax, a tariff, or some source of revenue, from this untaxed industry. If my arithmetic is correct, a slight tax of only one-half of one percent tax on currency trades will produce an income of over $200 Billion for the betterment of all nations. The tax can be easily collected by our existing U.S. Clearinghouse. A portion of the revenues would be distributed to needy nations and the rest would be distributed to the countries that initiated the transactions. I hope Congress requires this sales tax as long as they are presently creating these new regulations. If you agree to this idea, I will forward your wishes to the members of Congress in your district. Email your wishes to me with your name, address, county, email address and any comments you want to make. My email address is and I’ll pass on your comments to your Congressmen.


George W Hunt

Today is November 9, 2010. Lots of events have lately occurred against our country. Everyone who is aware of the evil in the Federal Reserve is hoping Bloomberg of Ron Paul will stop its course. If you viewed my presentation about the Kennedy Bonds, then you know there is a quick method which President Kennedy employed. He signed Presidential Executive Order 11,110 in 1963 to create our own U.S. Currency. By his act he shrugged off the dominating Federal Reserve Bank franchise. But before his twenty-dollar bills were printed and circulated; he was dead, killed at the direction of the stockholders of the private European Federal Reserve Corporation Bank. Within days President Lyndon Johnson verbally reversed Kennedy’s order to print United States currency which, by the way, is contrary to the Constitution. The Treasury Department quickly implemented Johnson’s orders and removed Kennedy’s U.S. Money from circulation within months.. The sinister Senate did not do the right thing to uphold Kennedy’s Executive Order. The fear-ridden, vain group of Senators, afraid of the Elders of Zion of banking, let the issue lie, permitting the Federal Reserve and their ilk in the Treasury Department to bring us to our current bankrupt condition. But look at it. What Senator wants to be murdered? And what Senator wouldn’t covet a bribe for his vote. And what Senator is against the Fed anyway? Later, you will see why the cry of “End the Fed” has already occurred. Ronald Reagan diminished the power of Executive Order 11,110 in 1982 but Kennedy’s Order was never overruled by the Senate. Any President can choose to issue the Order to make our own money any time he or she wishes. And what president would choose to give his life for his country for doing what President Kennedy got murdered for? Lyndon B Johnson? He verbally countermanded Presidential Order 11,110 soon after Kennedy died. Ronald Reagan? He played with the wording a little to dilute it. William Clinton, Rockefeller? How about George Bush Sr. and George Bush Jr.? Carter? Obama? Were there any patriotic Presidents among them to pull the plug on the Fed? Did the President do it again like Kennedy?

Suppose a brave, patriotic person somehow became President through his popular election slogan of “End the Fed”. During the election time he promised to free Americans from the domination of the “Federal Reserve. He told the voters he would sign another Kennedy order and print the Order into the daily Government Federal Register. He knew that the easy part was writing the Order and printing it. After that, though, he would be a marked man ready for destruction by the Federal Reserve Corporation. What President since Kennedy would give his life for his country? I once presumed that every President had a basic value in every American’s heart. Now I wonder.

Suppose next that the President’s money presses begin rolling out the U.S. Money. At this point the powers of the Illuminist European Bankers are at their weakest since every Senator’s core beliefs in our Country will be exposed to the light if the Executive Order is forced to a vote in the Senate. If he votes against the President’s Order, the country will despise him but the Fed will love him. He preferred a temporary despisement versus death by the Fed. Anyway, the Press will soon whitewash the Senators’ treason into a patriotic gesture and the Americans will be taught to believe it..
The Federal Reserve is not a part of the United States government. It is a private corporation of false-Jewish bankers who say they are Jewish but they are not Jewish. People of Israel call them half-Jews today. The Herod Dynasty were half-Jews and converted to Jew by force. These people who follow a Luciferian religion are at the verge of consuming the power of the world for themselves. Their ancestors were currency traders at least 2,000 years ago. Remember when Jesus Christ scourged the money-changers in the Temple with a whip and knocked over their currency tables? They had a profitable currency exchange monopoly in the Temple to exchange the local currencies of the faithful into the only acceptable coins to God in the Temple. “You shall not make my father’s house a den of thieves! Jesus yelled. Interestly, Andrew Jackson shouted these same words at the money-changers shortly after he barely escaped assassination by the assailant hired by the European money changers. His pistols didn’t fire..

Here are the names of the original owners of the Federal Reserve Bank Corporation according to many sources: The Rothschild Group of banking houses control over 53 percent of the Corporation which, in turn, controls our United States Federal Reserve system. The original stockholders of their greedy group are : The Rothschild’s of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Moses Seaf of Italy; Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Of Germany and New York; Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany; Lehman Brothers of London; Goldman, Sachs of London; Rockefeller Brothers of New York; and the Bank Israel Leumi of Tel Aviv and London.

Actually, the Rockefellers are cousins of the Rothschild’s: The Rothschild’s financed their vast monopolies. Anagrams of their names strongly suggest that the Rothschild and Rockefeller names both evolve to “Redchild”, the original family name of their original ancestor, Esau. They are called the “Synagogue of Satan” in Revelations 2 of the New Testament. Descended from the ancient Esau-Herod-Rothschild culture, they certainly are not the true Jews of Israel’s true hope. These ravenous beasts have put together most of the wars and major revolutions since, at least, the horrible French Revolution. Every American President who has defied them to control our currency has been assassinated. Only Andrew Jackson escaped their evil wrath when both pistols of the assailant failed to fire. Jackson beat the assailant up with his cane right on the spot!

Once a President enacts an Executive Order to start printing American money, a Senate majority vote is required to override his Order. President Lyndon Johnson verbally remanded Kennedy’s Order almost immediately after Kennedy’s death but the Senate never officially countermanded it by the two-thirds majority required by the Constitution in these matters. No Senators dared say a word against Kennedy’s bold Executive Order. The cowards let a sleeping dog lie. If a Senator dared to vote against the Fed and uphold Kennedy’s Order, various dangers, including murder, would certainly await the Senator. So the Senator thinks “Is it better to be a live dog than a dead lion?” Why should I die for a lost cause? An why should I pass up this fantastic bribe promised to me if I vote against Kennedy’s order? A fantastic bribe from the European pigs or a possible death sentence from the Federal Reserve hit men?

Yes, we can get out from under the evil Federal Reserve bankers very easily. But, really, how many public servants do the right thing for America? At this point in time the idea of stopping the Fed is a pipe dream. Our currency and economic freedoms probably departed with the Kennedy tragedy. All of this “End the Fed” stuff can cease right now. We do not have a functioning Federal Reserve anymore. The money-changers have moved the Fed to a new Central Bank, leaving our country in a flood of fiat currency and bankruptcy.
According to my original videotape of 1988, our money will eventually be regulated and circulated from Canada. Read about M&T Bank Corporation headquartered in Buffalo, New York. It’s grown into a giant right just across the border from Toronto, Canada. Two other huge banks are also in Buffalo—First Niagara Bank and Midland Marine Bank of London. Together, they have merged so many eastern banks into their syndicate that they control retail banking throughout New England, New York, Maryland, and Delaware to name a few areas. They are moving the power and cash of our country into the Federal Reserve to Canada.

I suspect the Fed has completed their evil work. I remember a precept in international finance that a new Central Bank should be placed next to the country of the old Federal Reserve bank that they are replacing. I think it had to do with enabling smoother currency flows and barter transactions. Another precept: Their currencies of both banks should be in parity with each other. This occurred recently when the Canadian and US dollars equaled one dollar in each country. I predict that the Federal Reserve Bank of the U.S. is close to being replaced by a Canadian Central Bank– perhaps in conjunction with the Royal Bank of Canada. I foresee that the regulation of our currency will eventually come from Canada. As Canada is a commonwealth country, we will become yoked to the British Empire, the largest empire yet created by man. On October 20, 2010, a significant event took place when Shalom Ben Bernanke made his speech from Jekyll Island, Georgia, the location where the Fed was put together by their scum in 1913? I think it was staged from that location to signify that the Fed had done his work against us and it was time for our Fed to disappear. GWH.
George Hunt

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Also be sure to watch the Call to Action Video, an addition to this one.

Citizen George W. Hunt makes a complaint in this videotape against the Federal Reserve Board and various Treasury officials for criminal actions against the people of America.. He accuses Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, Director of the National Economic Council, Lawrence Summers and other parties of withholding facts pertaining to an apparent theft of $134.5 Billion in U.S. notes and bonds, including ten $1 Billion Kennedy Bonds, apparently used to float a U.S. Currency. If the Kennedy bearer bonds are real, there has been a theft from the United States Treasury vaults of huge proportions and into the crooked hands of various European and American banks.

Mr. Hunt provides adequate facts that a plan may be in operation to sell real and counterfeit U.S. bonds in Europe and elsewhere. These secret bond sales have created artificial capital on the banks’ balance sheets, allowing them to purchase hard assets with the false capital they have created.

Another section of the video describes how the Rothschild group bank chain of Agricole Credit banks received $3 Billion in cash from the U.S. taxpayers’ TARP funds. Sophisticated debt and currency swaps orchestrated by AIG, Agricole Credit and other banks before the October 2008 crash made AIG a multi-billion dollar debtor to the Rothschild and European banks—and Americans paid the bills to Europe through AIG bailout money.

The entire operation smells of conspiracy and Hunt tries to inform Americans to realize how they are being cheated over and over again by our government officials and the Senators and Representatives who turn their heads away from these evils. Hunt encourages action to learn the truth behind these huge questions about Geithner, Summers, Obama, Rothschild, Greenspan, Bernanke and other “public servants”.

The Big Bad Bank

The Big Bad Bank
The expose documentary by George Washington Hunt of a secret bank created over the past 25 years all digital updated and new. June 2009. To find out more check out The Big Bad Bank Printed Manual with the entire dialogue from The Big Bad Bank DVD production found at

The Big Bad Bank – Intro
The Big Bad Bank Intro George Washington Hunt introduces us to the World Conservation Bank. Mr. Hunt also explains his background and how he discovered the plan for this bank. One of the handouts included the Brundtland Report “Our Common Future” as well George reveals what the bank will need to get it’s feet off the ground.

The Big Bad Bank – Responsibility to Educate
The Big Bad Bank by George Washington Hunt, in this part he goes further into his background on how he assumed the vast education responsibility to educate us about the World Conservation Bank. We listen to the voice of David Lang, and elitist who tells us how the common people shouldn’t be told about this bank. Then we look at the wilderness inventory and what the US stands to lose as part of conservation projects that the bank will control. George Hunt goes into further explanation of how the Rich Evil Elitists are like and what they will own and how they can handle things.

The Big Bad Bank – Your Educator
The Big Bad Bank – George Washington Hunt is your educator, it’s his goal to educate millions of people about this bank. George also points out that the banks requiring bailouts should not have been saved and cost the tax payers dearly. The Big Bad Bank or The World Conservation Bank was formed at the 4th World Wilderness Congress in Estes Park in September 1987, the bank could be capitalized by the shares of stock and trusts of the members. The big problems are that the currency unit will rise to high, prices will skyrocket, and the worst part is that the bank will purposely go bust and all of the assets will be left in the hands of the shareholders in this bank. Also in this part of the video we hear from Baron Edmond James de Rothschild about technologies that the bank will use to ultimately come to its demise.

The Big Bad Bank – Conservation
The Big Bad Bank – George Washington Hunt tells us how he was selected as an official host at the 4th World Wilderness Congress. Thinking it was an environmental event he attended but his attention was shifted to bank matters, some of the people George met were the international bankers including David Rockefeller, Baron Edmond James de Rothschild, the Prime Minister of Norway Gro Harlem Brundtland and Maurice Strong.

The Big Bad Bank – Greed and Power
The Big Bad Bank – This section focus on Greed and Power of the largest international bankers, the most famous was J.P. Morgan. George Washington Hunt’s Great Grandfather, Also GW Hunt, was building a railroad, at the same time Edward Henry Harriman was also building a railroad in the same direction and Harriman was able to go to JP Morgan for funds to continue his railroad and beat GW Hunt to the pass because he had the money to do so. More on the rich and powerful we get a little history on the Rothschild family as well as the Rockefeller family. “The custodian of the Planet” Maurice Strong is also a big player in the politics of this bank. Strong was working to take water from the San Luis Valley in Colorado and sell it at high profit margins to other cities in the US.

The Big Bad Bank – Reviewing the Scenario
The Big Bad Bank – Reviewing the Scenario, George Washington Hunt reminds us of what is involved with this bank and how they plan on making a whole lot of money by doing things such as those of Maurice Strong and how he was planning on destroying the wilderness in the San Luis Valley of Colorado but at the same time was also working as an environmentalists with the big investors in this Big Bad Bank. We also hear the voice of Maurice Strong speaking about this conservation bank and introducing Baron Edmond de Rothschild.

The Big Bad Bank – The Rich Elite
The Big Bad Bank – Here we see an article about David Rockefeller and William Ruckleshaus speaking about this bank, we also learn more about the Rothschild family, Nathan Rothschild had inside knowledge of the outcome of Battle of Waterloo in the war of 1816 and was able to quickly turn the events out in his favor and wound up owning the Bank of England overnight. One possible solution to turning this Big Bad Bank over to good has would be if the G-77 Countries of the world took charge and hired the best talent, rather than a private bank which could turn on the people.

The Big Bad Bank – Closing Statements
The Big Bad Bank – Bailouts, One big Bad Bank and more problems that America has, including the debt to the Federal Reserve. John F Kennedy tried to solve America’s problem with the Federal Reserve by having more money printed, but that’s a whole other theory. Wrapping up the show and quickly touching on what George Washington Hunt has presented to us in this video as well as a few last points about current events and theories about expensive and harmful environment projects. Please contact George at for more info and to purchase this video and more like it.

The World Conservation Bank: Revisited

Re-released in 2009 from the 1994 30 minute edition with new graphics and pictures in digital DVD format.
George W. Hunt re-introduces The World Conservation Bank and it’s players in this special video. We also hear parts about Monetary Matters, New World Order, Sustainable Development, Environment vs. Development and Growth and Development.

World Conservation Bank: Revisited – Open
The Introduction to George W. Hunt’s World Conservation Bank Revisited

World Conservation Bank: Revisited – World Conservation Bank
George reintroduces us to the New World Bank and brings us more up to date with where the World Conservation Bank is, we hear a clip from David Lang at the World Conservation Congress from 1987, who advises against telling the common people about this One World Bank, So George takes his part and shows us a few of his findings including the First Environmental Bank a string of banks that has been created out of New Hampshire who Michael Sweatman a speaker at the 4th World Wilderness Congress is on the Board of Directors. George also talks about the new NAFTA Bank in Dallas who is involved with border patrol and debt swap with Mexico bringing in a larger national debt and how there really is nothing we can do to stop them.

World Conservation Bank: Revisited – Monetary Matters
George Talks about Monetary Manners and the inevitable collapse of the United States economy and how the most likely way for us to survive the national debt is to join the New World Order

World Conservation Bank: Revisited – New World Order
George Hunt asks, Who Seems to be Running the New World Order, relating his findings back to Babylon and other religious groups and the Roman Empire. Then we see some pictures of some of the people George believes to be involved in the New World Order and New World Bank including the Reichman family who owns a lot of the Milking business around the US, the Bronfman family who made a lot of money during prohibition providing the US people with Alcohol, David Rockefeller the chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, William Ruckelshaus chaiman of Weyerhauser Lumber, BFI waste management and founder of the EPA.

World Conservation Bank: Revisited – Sustainable Development
George tries and defines what Sustainable Development means to us. The two sides are Environment and Growth and Development. On the Environment side it’s the maintenance of things like wilderness, endangered species, and open spaces, On the other side Growth and Development is involved with mostly capitalists who care not about the environment and social welfare and more about profits and dividends. George thing goes on to explain the UN Document and how it might be effecting countries as far as even population control and genocide.

World Conservation Bank: Revisited – Environment vs. Development
The Earth is in the hands of the World Order, we get look at the Earth Summit meetings, and George Hunt asks Where in the World is Maurice Strong the head of the World Conservation Bank? George tracks him being kicked out of Colorado and up into Canada and we learn more about how the World Order people tend to lie a lot.

World Conservation Bank: Revisited – Growth and Development
The questions become: whose part of this show? The Answer is Everybody, the planet is allowing us to destroy itself for profits but regardless of what happens George advises us to be aware of what the press and religions sway you to believe.

New World Bank

George Hunt’s re-master of the original edition of the New World Bank, Religion and Rulers documentary from 1988. In this video George talks with Charles Wheeling about his findings at the 4th World Wilderness Congress the year before.

New World Bank: Intro
George Hunt speaks with Charles Wheeling about his findings at the 4th World Wilderness Congress in 1987.

New World Bank: Conservation
George now talks about the World Bank and how he first got interested in the subject. The 4th World Wilderness congress was coming to Denver back in 1987 and George found a way in to the conference and how he was suited to be a host at the congress.

New World Bank: Debt
George Hunt talks about the World Banking System and where the money will and have been going. Most of the truth behind the system is that the people behind it are doing exactly the opposite of what they were saying they would do, including slashing rainforests and trampling our ecology to name a few. George goes on to explain a little bit about the international debts of US banks and how they won’t be able to handle the losses of making such large foreign loans.

New World Bank: Loss
Either way we lose. Using the world’s wilderness lands as collateral the US economy will be able to survive the 3rd world debt losses, this is the basic concept that is behind the World wilderness congress that George attended. We then hear an audio clip from John D. Rockefeller about how the US will eventually collapse in the near future.

New World Bank: Wealth
A world dollar is the only one that’s worth anything, is what the big bankers are going to tell us. The banks will then take control of all our money and resources and everyone will be under the control of a New World Order.

New World Bank: Currency Matters
George talks about the soft currency debt swap and trading that this world currency dollar could be profitable for this bank.

New World Bank: Laws
Now we listen to Baron Edmund de Rothschild announce the creation of the International World Conservation Bank which will include a second Marshall plan to bail us out in the US, a third world debt relief, and a new World currency system, After the voice recording plays, George takes questions and comments from the audience.

New World Bank: Capitalists
George reads an article from Harry Schultz about research and development and how Tokyo is the most likely the country to start the world’s money panic. George analyzes the topic and how the banks will scheme their way through the collapse.

New World Bank: Profitability
We listen to David Lang a Canadian Banker who says that common people “cannon fodder” doesn’t need to get involved with this bank and George explains to the audience how he saw right thorough their secret plan to create a One World Dollar out of this bank.

New World Bank: Evil
Part 3 The World Religion and Lindisfarne begins and George talks about Maurice Strong who owned a ranch in La Baca, of Crestone Colorado where a temple was built by the Episcopal Church, Lindisfarne in conformance with a Babylonic numerology system containing lots of 6’s and some of which make the mark of the beast 666.

New World Bank: La Baca, Crestone Colorado
It’s Mr. Environment versus Mr. Development, Ruckelhaus and Rockefeller and it seems that the facts point more towards the profitability rather than the conservation of our land. George points out that Maurice Strong, the head of the 4th World Wilderness Congress, owned land in Crestone Colorado and his soul intentions were to suck the water out of the mountains near where he lived and sell it to different states or even countries for a large profit.

New World Bank: Rights and Temptation
Charles Wheeling talks about how these topics relate to revelations in the Bible and George explains how our rights as citizens will be threatened.

New World Bank: New Age
George talks about how he was introduced to religion and spirituality.

New World Bank: Maurice Strong
We listen to a voice recording from the 4th worId wilderness congress and I. Michael Sweatman Introduces Maurice Strong at the 4th World Wilderness Congress who speaks for a short time about the International wilderness and the Conservation Bank and its’ trustees including Edmund de Rothschild.

New World Bank: Rothschild
We listen to a voice recording from the 4th worId wilderness congress of Edmund de Rothschild who talks about the concept of the bank they have planned during this conference and how the wilderness has a part of their investments, created by Michael Sweatman.

New World Bank: Credits
The Credits for the New World Bank: Religion and Rulers.

The New World Bank: Religion and Rulers

Re-released in digital with new graphics and pictures. 1 hour original 1988 now in 2009 Christian edition.

George Hunt’s re-master of the original edition of the New World Bank, Religion and Rulers documentary from 1988. In this video George talks with Charles Wheeling about his findings at the 4th World Wilderness Congress the year before.

New World Bank: Intro
George Hunt speaks with Charles Wheeling about his findings at the 4th World Wilderness Congress in 1987.

New World Bank: Conservation
George now talks about the World Bank and how he first got interested in the subject. The 4th World Wilderness congress was coming to Denver back in 1987 and George found a way in to the conference and how he was suited to be a host at the congress.

New World Bank: Debt
George Hunt talks about the World Banking System and where the money will and have been going. Most of the truth behind the system is that the people behind it are doing exactly the opposite of what they were saying they would do, including slashing rainforests and trampling our ecology to name a few. George goes on to explain a little bit about the international debts of US banks and how they won’t be able to handle the losses of making such large foreign loans.

New World Bank: Loss
Either way we lose. Using the world’s wilderness lands as collateral the US economy will be able to survive the 3rd world debt losses, this is the basic concept that is behind the World wilderness congress that George attended. We then hear an audio clip from John D. Rockefeller about how the US will eventually collapse in the near future.

New World Bank: Wealth
A world dollar is the only one that’s worth anything, is what the big bankers are going to tell us. The banks will then take control of all our money and resources and everyone will be under the control of a New World Order.

New World Bank: Currency Matters
George talks about the soft currency debt swap and trading that this world currency dollar could be profitable for this bank.

New World Bank: Laws
Now we listen to Baron Edmund de Rothschild announce the creation of the International World Conservation Bank which will include a second Marshall plan to bail us out in the US, a third world debt relief, and a new World currency system, After the voice recording plays, George takes questions and comments from the audience.

New World Bank: Capitalists
George reads an article from Harry Schultz about research and development and how Tokyo is the most likely the country to start the world’s money panic. George analyzes the topic and how the banks will scheme their way through the collapse.

New World Bank: Profitability
We listen to David Lang a Canadian Banker who says that common people “cannon fodder” doesn’t need to get involved with this bank and George explains to the audience how he saw right thorough their secret plan to create a One World Dollar out of this bank.

New World Bank: Evil
Part 3 The World Religion and Lindisfarne begins and George talks about Maurice Strong who owned a ranch in La Baca, of Crestone Colorado where a temple was built by the Episcopal Church, Lindisfarne in conformance with a Babylonic numerology system containing lots of 6’s and some of which make the mark of the beast 666.

New World Bank: La Baca, Crestone Colorado
It’s Mr. Environment versus Mr. Development, Ruckelhaus and Rockefeller and it seems that the facts point more towards the profitability rather than the conservation of our land. George points out that Maurice Strong, the head of the 4th World Wilderness Congress, owned land in Crestone Colorado and his soul intentions were to suck the water out of the mountains near where he lived and sell it to different states or even countries for a large profit.

New World Bank: Rights and Temptation
Charles Wheeling talks about how these topics relate to revelations in the Bible and George explains how our rights as citizens will be threatened.

New World Bank: New Age
George talks about how he was introduced to religion and spirituality.

New World Bank: Maurice Strong
We listen to a voice recording from the 4th worId wilderness congress and I. Michael Sweatman Introduces Maurice Strong at the 4th World Wilderness Congress who speaks for a short time about the International wilderness and the Conservation Bank and its’ trustees including Edmund de Rothschild.

New World Bank: Rothschild
We listen to a voice recording from the 4th worId wilderness congress of Edmund de Rothschild who talks about the concept of the bank they have planned during this conference and how the wilderness has a part of their investments, created by Michael Sweatman.

New World Bank: Credits
The Credits for the New World Bank: Religion and Rulers.

In this early recording, George Hunt Speaks in Utah – May 10th, 1991 on The 4th World Wilderness Congress that occurred in 1987. George and Marie Cavanaugh support George Hunt’s opinions and research by inviting him to speak in Utah at this event.

1. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 1 – Introduction – George is introduced by the speaker with a little background about Mr. Hunt including his background as a business analysts and his role as a host at the 4th World Wilderness Congress in Estes Park in 1987. To begin George explains his background in religion and how he learned about the 4th World Wilderness Congress and why he first became interested in becoming a part of it.

2. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 2 – Growth and Development vs. the Environment – George continues to explain his part in the 4th World Wilderness congress and how a Christian man got into the congress when all the other hosts were Emissaries of Divine Light from Loveland Colorado and why they didn’t’ want a Christian patriot at the event and from there he sets the stage for how a bunch of bankers were involved with a seemingly “Environmental Congress” which turned out to be a cover for a New World Order bank that presented Growth and Development versus the Environment. Mr. Hunt presents the facts about how the congress planned to use the environment as a way to virtually strip us of our rights and money.

3. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 3 – Attendees – George talks about the different types of people who spoke and attended the 4th World Wilderness Congress in Estes Park in 1987 some of them he notes are James Baker, Edmund de Rothschild, Maurice Strong, David Rockefeller, David Lang, Indian Tribesman, Zulus, and he explains their roles in the events. Proceeding the examination of who attended the congress, George plays a short audio clip recorded at the congress from David Lang who goes on to explain how the investors shouldn’t take the time to explain what they are presenting to the common man but to keep it to an elitist point of view. George then goes on to relate current situations to events drawn out in the bible and other historical events throughout time.

4. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 4 – Assets – George explains how he contemplated going public with the information he is presenting especially after her received threats from various people high up including the Rockefeller’s and the Rothschild’s, who didn’t want his views to be spoken. George also explains his background a little and how he was able to gather the insight on the schemes going on behind the scenes during the Wilderness Congress in 1987. Starting with the major goal of the congress which was to save the Wilderness lands for mankind forever. George presents the official records of the congress that show the wilderness areas they are planning on investing the bank’s assets in. George then describes how he interviewed people at the congress and asked them to explain how this World Conservation Bank planned to make money from unpopulated wilderness areas. I Michael Sweetman being one of the persons that George spoke with and the president of the World Conservation Bank, explained that the 34% of the Earth’s surface that will become assets of the bank will be used for programs such as land swapping for debt as the main asset foundation.

5. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 5 – Capital – George explains the assets that are going into the bank that is being proposed in the congress, including the wilderness lands, third world debt, corporate profits and how these assets are in support of a World Dollar and the Conservation Corps. This moves George Hunt to investigate further and ask more questions about what the banks plan for an earnings engine are and if in reality the bank is bound to go bankrupt and if this is the whole plan to begin with. This is what Mr. Hunt intended to question in the conference and was promised to be called upon but it turns out that the promise was one short lived and gave George the calling to speak out to the rest of the world about his learning’s from the congress.

6. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 6 – Money – George explains how the bank plans to create the world dollar, the one world order. It’s all right here though, listen to what George was saying, and you’ll realize that he knew what was going to happen20 years ago, bailouts, debt swaps, foreign outsourcing, mass foreclosures and in fact the entire back is a scheme to invest in a greater bank that will eventually own everything in the end. George goes on to explain some of the tricks that they will probably be attempting or might even be in the process of then and now.

7. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 7 – Maurice Strong – George agrees that the bank is almost inevitable and something we need but it’s phony and worthless to the people. At this time George introduces us to Maurice Strong and his history as a UN Official and his role in the World Wilderness Congress. George also explains how these big names at the congress intend to create World National Socialism and Maurice Strong being right there in the middle of it all. We then learn more about Maurice Strong and his involvements in more than just science but in religion and his home in Crestone Colorado where he has started a somewhat secret society.

8. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 8 – New Age Religion – George explains the New Age Religion and who is creating it. The first world being US/Europe, then Russia and the Eastern Countries, then the Third World countries and the 4th World are the One World Order/Religion. Mr. Hunt goes on to explain how the world religion will be a collective conscious and asks some contemplating questions about different religions and beliefs and who is ruling the world and the order or and these religions.

9. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 9 – Environment Laws – George talks about international environment laws that will gradually wind down America. Also we learn how the people who are controlling the environment movement are actually the people who are polluting it which is creating a thesis vs. anti-thesis warfare controlled by the synthesis. All relating back to Growth vs. Development. Not just flesh and blood but powers and principalities, the root of all evil.

10. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 10 – 4th World Wilderness Congress – George plays the recording from the 4th World Wilderness Congress of Maurice Strong speaking and introducing Edmund de Rothschild who speaks more about the creation of the world bank and some things they have in plan to help prevent the Global Warming effect.

11. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 11 – The Water – George responds to the speech by Rothschild and examines some of the things he talked about. Saving the environment is one of the topics and George tells about his experience on what they are actually talking about. In the Monte Christo mountains in Crestone Colorado, Maurice Strong was, almost secretly, removing the water from the aquifers under the mountains and trying to sell the water to other countries and companies for a large profit, and after asking around George found that the people didn’t really understand what Maurice Strong was doing with their water so George had to do try and explain to them what the repercussions of allowing them to do this would cause.

12. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 12 – Crestone, Colorado – Rothschild, Maurice Strong and the head of the EPA William Ruckelshaus, were all in on the plan to steal the water right out from under the towns people of Crestone, Colorado so they could sell the water to different cities, George explains how he wrote to all kinds of media outlets and government representatives to tell them about what the plan was behind AWDI, Maurice Strong’s water company. After George made them aware a unanimous vote was cast the next day denying AWDI’s plan to own the water in Crestone Colorado

13. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 13 – Fire in Your Belly – Rothschild has quoted a poem by Pierre Teilhard Chardin and basically creates his own new way of saying it by leaving out the religious part. George talks more about industrialism and economic development. Then George Hunt takes questions from people in the crowd.

14. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 14 – The Collapse – The World order will pull the plug when we’re ready to collapse and George goes in to an explanation about how they will go about their plan to create this bank. Then he takes more questions from the audience.

15. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 15 – Edomites – George talks about Edom, Herod and Israel in relation to how he is interpreting the conspiracy going on behind this New World Order Bank and brings it all together with his findings. Then he takes more questions about the conspiracy and the Illuminati.

16. George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 – Pt. 16 – The End – George talks about how people up high have tracked him down and told him to stop his research, production and interactions with people about the conspiracy that he has been explaining about here in this video series. At this point George goes into the explanation of the pyramid and which place different groups fall under the Eye of the Pyramid. This is the end of the recording of George’s appearance in Utah on May 10, 1991. Hope you enjoyed the entire thing and please find out more on

A 5 part series titled Conversations with George W. Hunt, including his talks on Family Trusts and Foundations, Scott Paper Co. and My Lost Job, Members of Congress for Peace Through Law, Congress Does the Wishes of the Federal Reserve, and George Hunt Answers the Tough Questions by Talk Host Jann Scott. In these talks we learn more about how the big bankers and the government are moving closer and closer to a New World Order domination and almost without a choice due to pressure from the shareholders who control the Federal Reserve and that money which controls even our government and worldwide policies that effect even our beliefs as individuals.

Pt. 1 – Trust Games
George W. Hunt talks about Family Trusts and how they’re used against us by the very rich. The rich put all their assets into a Pure Equity Trust which allow them to in essence evade the Taxes that apply to a normal tax payer. George tells us how he experienced in firsthand how the IRS prevented him from getting a trust of his own and why this continues to prove how America is not a free country, how the IRS is a rotten origination and the very rich have special tax relief that make our income tax look like a joke.

Pt. 2 – Scott Paper Co. and My Lost Job
In the second part of the Conversations with George Washington Hunt we learn about how Mr. Hunt lost his Job at a large multinational corporation because he questioned them about their pollution policies. George had sold paper products at a company, formally known as, Scott Paper Co. At a particular company meeting he was asked to put in his thoughts and ask any questions he’d like. George asked the vice presidents at Scott Paper about what kinds of plans they have for balancing out their harmful pollutions on the environment. George was approached after he headed back to work and was told that the question he asked stirred up too much dissatisfactory buzz that George speaking up for the environment and down to corporate policy is the fine line that they didn’t want to cross so they decided his time at the company had to be expelled.
Pt. 3 – Members of Congress for Peace Through Law
In the Members of Congress for Peace through Law portion of the Conversations with George W. Hunt we learn about this special group of educators that influence and quite possibly designate who stays in as a part of the US congress and senate. George talks about a conversation he had with a member of the MCPL who explained what they do as an organization to persuade new house representatives to join and follow a New World Order ideal.

Pt 4 – Congress Does the Wishes of the Federal Reserve
Our Senator and Representatives finally haggled ou the Debt Relief Bill in August, 2011 and George Washington Hunt talks about the implications that congress has agreed upon and how they are basically just doing what the Federal Reserve is telling them to do. This just increases the truth that a New World Order Conspiracy is not a conspiracy but an actual Fact in the makings and George goes on to remind us of some of the players who have part in history of this New World Order. Dissemblers is what Mr. Hunt calls them, a con artist or two face in essence, someone who harbors a secret agenda in the heart that is contrary to the thing he or she represents. Watch out they’re everywhere.

Pt 5 – George Hunt Answers the Tough Questions by Talk Host Jann Scott
George Hunt answers tough questions by talk show host Jann Scott, covering the 4 part series of Conversations With George W. Hunt. Starting with Part 1 – Family Trusts and Foundations and the way rich people get away with completely avoiding taxes. In Part 2 – Scott Paper Co. and My Lost Job George answers Jann from his personal experiences on how the big corporations are the ones who need to do more to help the environment because they are the big cause of pollution. Part 3 Members of Congress Through Peace Through Law, Jann questions George about his claims on the members of the U.S. congress being treasonous in their unreserved choice to be controlled by the New World Order. Last but not least, Jann asks about the topics that George talks on in Part 4 – Congress Does the Wishes of the Federal Reserve, and George explains how he was trying to tie in the relationship between the Federal Reserve and the American People.