The Arab Revolutions and The Rothschild’s Ad

George Hunt continues to rain on the New World Order with this video about The Arab Revolutions and The Rothschild’s. George covers the religious side of the people involved and traces them back to their origins and how it all ties in with the revolutions in Arabian and African countries today.

Facebook: Corruption and Control

George W. Hunt exposes the Facebook Corporation and their Corrupt, Dishonest and Dangerous behavior and then exposes the Facebook Corporation and who owns and controls the company that remains one of top of the internet sites in the world.

Full Video Descriptions Here

Arab Revolutions and The Rothschild’s

George Hunt continues to rain on the New World Order with this video about The Arab Revolutions and The Rothschild’s. George covers the religious side of the people involved and traces them back to their origins and how it all ties in with the revolutions in Arabian and African countries today.

View Full Video Description Here

Part I: Facebook Is Corrupt, Dishonest and Very Dangerous

George W. Hunt exposes the Facebook Corporation and their Corrupt, Dishonest and Dangerous behavior.

Full Video Descriptions Here

Maurice Strong, the Rothschild Dynasty and Lexam Explorations

March 19, 2009

Hello Everyone!

My absence was caused by a move to my new home in Longmont, Colorado. Another absence was a side-issue with the new world order who happen to be stealing millions from the American taxpayers by way of getting millions of dollars from the Feds and Colorado through phony mineral rights sales. Too complicated to go into it, but the names of the three major phonies are Maurice Strong, the Rothschild Dynasty and Lexam Explorations. The CEO of Lexam Explorations is reputed to be the next president of the World
Bank, so we’re playing hard-ball with these creeps. They are selling dirt (minerals) and then sending part of the funds to Rob McEwen of Lexam Explorations to purchase gold mines throughout the world. I believe that Gold is not appreciating with inflation because
Rothschild owns and/or controls the gold mines, the gold sales and the gold. Bad short-term market. Speaking of the Rothschilld Dynasty, they are the creators of world wars, devastators of economies, everything evil. They have made a deal with “Lucifer” (Satan) so the story goes, and through his intelligence, they own over 50 percent of the world’s wealth. Their
cousins, the Rockefellers, add even more wealth to the Rothschild/Rockefeller bulging balance sheets. The dynasties have sworn to take vengeance on anyone who tries to expose their cruel,
evil activities. They know the truth will expose their activities and the truth will make us free for a period of time. I have learned that the Rothschilds leave a seat free at their
meals for Lucifer. I didn’t know that I was sitting in Satan’s private chair when I joined the Rothschilds for luncheon at the 4th World Wilderness Congress in September 1987! Study the entire story of Jacob and Esau (Red Child).in Genesis from the point where Rebecca feels the Jacob/Esau twins fighting in her womb. Jacob and Rebecca eventually trick Isaac to take away Abraham’s promise from Esau as the first-born over to his twin brother, Jacob. Esau goes “nuts” and vengefully weds into the evil families of the Canaanites, Ishmaelite and Hittites. The evil increases from there and includes Herod (an Edomite) and Pontius Pilate (a Roman) into the evils of our present world. Edom and Rome are the centers of evil I have learned and only God can defeat their conspiracies. I am just along for the ride while God works.

Sincerely, George Hunt

Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura interviews

January 26, 2010

Hello to all of you kind people who have sent me messages, some
very pro—some very con. Most of your emials were precipitated by
the Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura interviews. Those folks interviewed
me for the FACTS I had and not because I loved or didn’t love Jesus
Christ. Jones and Ventura interviewed me only because I have FACTS
and I WAS THERE. Many of you were offended by my faith. I can only
encourage you to pray to God for understanding and a revelation of His
Why was I there? Was that truly an accident? It was God’s will
(sorry God-haters). I had no prior intelligence of a conspiracy of
Rothschild, Rockefeller, Maurice Strong, and the “Gaia-is-god” druid
religionists ((that your future families may serve). ALL of the
world’s money men were in attendance or represented and I was
“accidentally” there.
HE (God) had me share luncheon with Baron and Lady Rothschild
(what a grand lady!–and she, literally, filled my glass with water
when I came to their table). HE granted me luncheon with the
president of the World Conservation Bank, I. Michael Sweatman where I
asked deep questons about the bank which gave me more information.
HE had me dine with Mr. McNeill, head of the United Nations, Geneva,
and his very fine wife and the reporter from the Denver Post. HE
provided the tape of the key Rothschild meeting that confirms what I
am saying to you.

Why haven’t I been killed yet? Who knows? The shadow of death
lurks everywhere I go now. I am shadowed by someone. I know that.
But I can’t worry about this life when I have important things to do
and say. “You ain’t heard nothing yet, world order crowd. God will
raise up another to take my place”, I say. My blood-trail could be a
spark that ignites even one or two of you to be indignant about it.
Perhaps God will use those two people to ignite the country into
indignation against assassinations!? Who knows what will happen to
me? I have no fear (at this point).

In closing, I am not a religious freak. I enjoy fun parties.
Though I don’t drink, I do enjoy a little “mother nature” once in a
while. Actually, you would probably like me as a friend because I’ll
probably like you just as much. We’re in this together. Help me in
any way you can see how. Recommend me to every talk show host you can
think of. And the next time you eat some bread, remember that Jesus’s
body was broken for us. And when you pour yourself a glass of wine,
remember that Jesus Christ gave His blood for us. Enjoy the wine and
thank God for His love for humanity. Very Sincerely Yours,, George
Washington Hunt (born on Columbus Day, October 12, 1938, in Glendale,
California at 10:30 AM. When to die?—Who knows?).

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