All in One

All In One

The All in One Package that includes:
The Big Bad Bank, The New World Bank, The New World Bank Religion & Rulers & The World Conservation Bank: Revisited.

The Big Bad Bank

The Big Bad Bank

The expose documentary by George Washington Hunt of a secret bank created over the past 25 years, all digital updated and new, ready to buy and watch.

Also you can read the script that was used in the recording of this 2009 film here.

View the Full Video Description Here

The Arab Revolutions and The Rothschild’s Ad

George Hunt continues to rain on the New World Order with this video about The Arab Revolutions and The Rothschild’s. George covers the religious side of the people involved and traces them back to their origins and how it all ties in with the revolutions in Arabian and African countries today.

(Levant) – Islam Receives Jesus Christ the Messiah Ad

George Hunt continues to rain on the New World Order with this video about The Arab Revolutions and The Rothschild’s. George covers the religious side of the people involved and traces them back to their origins and how it all ties in with the revolutions in Arabian and African countries today.

Admit It, Whitey. We’re The Problem; Not The Solution.

White homo sapiens are a menace to world security. White minds have invented devastating devices to annihilate millions of people with one bomb. White minds have created paper money.  White minds have created death and disease in Africa.  When will Whitey admit to all races that: 1) We have blown our role to advance progress and 2) We don’t know how to stop the crisis that we have allowed others to put ourselves into.
Whitey can stand up and shout “It’s not our fault, it was ‘Them’”. In a democracy, however, it is “’Us’” because democracy requires its adherents to Think—and most people don’t think, at least in America.  As a result, Bad-Whitey-Elitists have taken over and, in return, have given us a devastated economy, loss of some of our private lives and blind acceptance of what the media wants us to read and see.
I have heard that Caucasians (white folks) comprise only one-sixth of the world population. The other five-sixths who share the world with us have been quite patient with Whitey’s penchant for war, death and destruction.  Not for long though: When power-elite-Whitey steals our free gift of abundant clear water and adequate food and turn them into a commodity for profits is when life will get real tough for the white race.  Perhaps that is the reason why the late Baron Edmund de Rothschild has made provision for a 300,000-member “Konservation Korps” in his plans for world conquest.  The “Korps” is actually guarding the 100,000-acre aquifer properties of the George W Bush family in Paraguay. (See my “Water Water Everywhere” videotape).

My social intercourse with non-white persons has usually been pleasant and enriching. On the other hand, I have had a hard time with a lot of white folks: The arrogance of the power-elite at the top and the white bottom-side has sometimes been difficult to endure. I hope that Whitey realizes very soon that we share this planet with others. I also hope Whitey realizes very soon that our elite atheists are not only destroying civilization as we know it, but they are also building a future society of brain-washed automatons; a Tower of Babel.

The white elite have spoken on record that they expect the world population to decrease to 500 million persons, down from the present six to seven billion presently on earth. Wars, poisonous food, air and dirty water, vaccinations infected with HIV, big and bigger bombs, grand terrorism plus a host of intentionally-produced deadly factors will destroy most of us while the rich power-elite enjoy the wealth and human comforts that they have stolen from society. A noted international banker put it plainly:  “The common persons are the cannon fodder which unfortunately populates the earth”.

Yours Truly, George W Hunt

Where On Earth Are We Going?

Maurice Strong is called “the custodian of the planet” mainly because he IS the custodian of the planet. Strong was hired by David Rockefeller when Strong was only 18 years old. Rockefeller’s purpose was to make Strong the powerhouse of the UN to guide it to a place of absolute authority over all natural resources including water and food distribution. The food and water subjects will be presented at the forthcoming United Nations NCSE Conference in Washington DC to be held on January 18-20 2012. The conference is set up to create recommendations and resolutions to place control of fresh water and other resources into the UN Environment Program (UNEP). The Rockefellers donated the land for the UN building so it gives us a large hint that they use the UN for their own destructive purposes.

The late Edmund de Rothschild created the United Nations Committee on the Environment and Development (UNCED—pronounced “Unsaid”) in 1972. His dynasty created the Committee and they are the Trustee of the UNCED meetings. I had the opportunity to attend his fourth UNCED meeting in September 1987. It was named the Fourth World Wilderness meeting and met at Estes Park and Denver, Colorado. I witnessed his cohorts create the ultimate New World Order banking program and the New World Order environment plans. The Chairwoman, Gro Harlem Brundtland, has carried their declarations through the UN. As a matter of fact, she’ll be the keynote speaker at the forthcoming January 18th NCSE meeting. Brundtland was the Prime Minister of Norway and the Director of the World Health Organization. Her curriculum vitae is covered in Wikipedia and in the Manual on my site..

Bluntly put, the aims of Strong, Rockefeller, Rothschild and Brundtland are to eliminate indigenous people by changing natural water patterns, cycles and water flows, and using EPA laws to reduce supplies of potable water to urban populations. Indigenous people and wildlife will suffer great harm. Another purpose is to make the UN the center of costly water projects funded by the international banking community. They plan to issue 25-30-year bonds to fund the tremendous costs of the blue-sky projects which will eventually become inoperative and technological nightmares. The Common People (you and me) will pay for the UN’s disastrous “mistakes”.

Yes, it sounds draconian but that is how some elite psychos think. Brundtland has been quoted to say that the world population should be 500 million people, not six billion people (the Club of Rome concurs). They will accomplish these goals by, among many devices, adding chemicals, “fracking impurities” and sewage into the world’s waterways plus other means such as famine, pestilence, civil wars, terrorism and poor food distribution.

Thank you for viewing this Blog and please pass the word on to others about how the UN’s Pale Horse of Death will be set loose upon society. Yours Truly, George W Hunt Site:

Facebook: Corruption and Control

George W. Hunt exposes the Facebook Corporation and their Corrupt, Dishonest and Dangerous behavior and then exposes the Facebook Corporation and who owns and controls the company that remains one of top of the internet sites in the world.

Full Video Descriptions Here

UNCED Earth Summit 1992

In 1992 George Hunt was fully engulfed in investigating the New World Order and architects of a One World Bank. To further the Development of this bank and its effects on the Earth’s land, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development a.k.a. UNCED Earth Summit Meeting on June 3-14th , 1992 was held. Prior to this George Hunt recorded this video to heighten awareness of what secret agenda they might have from this meeting.

View Full Show Description Here

UNCED Earth Summit 1992 Pt. 1 – In Our Hands

In 1992 George Hunt was fully engulfed in investigating the the New World Order and architects of a One World Bank. To further the Development of this bank and its effects on the Earth’s land, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development a.k.a. UNCED Earth Summit Meeting on June 3-14th , 1992 was held. Prior to this George Hunt recorded this video to heighten awareness of what secret agenda they might have from this meeting.

Conversations with George W. Hunt

A 5 part series titled Conversations with George W. Hunt, including his talks on Family Trusts and Foundations, Scott Paper Co. and My Lost Job, Members of Congress for Peace Through Law, Congress Does the Wishes of the Federal Reserve, and George Hunt Answers the Tough Questions by Talk Host Jann Scott. In these talks we learn more about how the big bankers and the government are moving closer and closer to a New World Order domination and almost without a choice due to pressure from the shareholders who control the Federal Reserve and that money which controls even our government and worldwide policies that effect even our beliefs as individuals.

Full Video Descriptions Here

George Hunt Store

Hi Everyone,

George Hunt and Jewish Lightning
How false New York Jews took down the World Trade centers

Here is my new Store on The Big Bad Bank website. Browse through for videos, tapes and my book on how the New World Order has been plotting against you for 1000’s of years. Plus I have new material on 911 and how false Jews took down the World Trade centers

Conversations with George Hunt Pt 1: Family Trusts and Foundations

George W. Hunt talks about Family Trusts and how they’re used against us by the very rich. The rich put all their assets into a Pure Equity Trust which allow them to in essence evade the Taxes that apply to a normal tax payer. George tells us how he experienced in firsthand how the IRS prevented him from getting a trust of his own and why this continues to prove how America is not a free country, how the IRS is a rotten origination and the very rich have special tax relief that make our income tax look like a joke.

Arab Revolutions and The Rothschild’s

George Hunt continues to rain on the New World Order with this video about The Arab Revolutions and The Rothschild’s. George covers the religious side of the people involved and traces them back to their origins and how it all ties in with the revolutions in Arabian and African countries today.

View Full Video Description Here

Part I: Facebook Is Corrupt, Dishonest and Very Dangerous

George W. Hunt exposes the Facebook Corporation and their Corrupt, Dishonest and Dangerous behavior.

Full Video Descriptions Here

The Big Bad Bank: Printed Manual

The Big Bad Bank: Printed Manual

This manual is available in both PDF (80 MBs) and HTML formats as well as a printed version you can order through the buy now link.

A manual of exhibits and articles used in the DVD. Available Now in Print or E-Book. This manual is a “must” to comprehend the conspiracy. It’s so factual that anyone who reads it will reluctantly admit that this conspiracy expose is valid. We’ll offer a guaranteed product, including postage.

Click on the image above or here to go to read in now online.

Rothschild’s puppets

Hello Fellow World Citizens! My name is George Washington Hunt. I live in Boulder, Colorado.

A Big Bank is ready for implementation whenever the directors feel the right time occurs, probably

after all the world’s currency systems fail and there is chaos everywhere. It is presently called the

World Conservation Bank but may open in the name of the United Nations or as a private Rothschild

Bank The bank will replace all banks. There will be one big bank. It will issue the world currency, make

loans and finance huge conservation programs. Its power will be great. It could bring any nation to its

knees just by adjustments to credit and currency.


This bank is a creation of the Rothschild banking family. They are special bankers to the very rich

elite and command great respect in the field of international finance and banking. They are also very

clever, cunning bankers and have been known to create brilliant banking agreements. The forthcoming

bank is also clever and cunning and I have the responsibility to educate you about it. From where did I

assume this vast education responsibility? Let’s listen to the voice of David Lang, an international banker

from Montreal, to find out. He has a part in creating this bank and he displays the arrogance of the very

rich elite. So they don’t want to educate us cannon fodder, huh? (According to DAVID LANG). I

hereby am your educator and I plan to show you that this is a fraudulent bank.

The rich elite will invest trillions of dollars into this Rothschild bank in return for stock in the bank.

Their family trusts and foundations are gorged with wealth and they will readily invest in this bank because

if it bankrupts they have the right to step in and claim all of its assets. The assets they seize will include all

of the mortgages and debts of cities, counties, buildings, individuals, everything. When and if the bank

fails, these investors will own all of the collateral that was pledged in return for the trillions of dollars in

loans on everything.

Far-fetched? I hope so. As you hear what they said at the congress and what they have done

before and past, I think you will agree that this bank is a scam and is completely unacceptable.

Watch The video to see what I am talking about!