The All in One Package that includes:
The Big Bad Bank, The New World Bank, The New World Bank Religion & Rulers & The World Conservation Bank: Revisited.
Tag: sustainable
The New World Bank
George Hunt’s re-master of the original edition of the New World Bank documentary from 1988. In this video George talks with Charles Wheeling about his findings at the 4th World Wilderness Congress the year before.
The New World Bank: Religion and Rulers
George Hunt’s re-master of the original edition of the New World Bank, Religion and Rulers documentary from 1988. In this video George talks with Charles Wheeling about his findings at the 4th World Wilderness Congress the year before.
The New World Bank: Religion and Rulers Ad
The New World Bank: Ad
Alleged Druid Runs The United Nations
In October 2010 Britain acknowledged the Druid religion as a valid and acceptable practice, placing Druidism on the same level as the Church of England and other religions. Julius Caesar utilized Druid wisdom in war, diplomacy and politics to defeat the Gauls. He tells us in his “Commentaries of the Gallic War” and other commentaries how Druids assisted Caesar with battle plan advice and diplomatic acumen in his campaigns in Gaul. Caesar was an untried battle commander, sent to Gaul to bring them into Roman rule. The Druids assisted him with advice about battle plans and methods to subdue the Gauls and Caesar triumphed over the Gauls. In other words, Druids assisted him in his victories; they were diplomats and politicians to the highest degree.
Druids worship earth idols and allegedly have connections with earth spirits. Their modern polytheism includes worshipping Gaia, Mother Earth. Gaia worship is included in the New World Order’s bag of tricks. It will be the forthcoming “official religion” of the New World Order. Druids live and worship among trees, the oak tree being the most-preferred among the tree categories. Oak Druids are robust, active and goal-directed. Druidism has been linked into the Protestant church through Lindesfarne, an Episcopalian cult operating through the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in Manhattan. Lindesfarne has replicated itself in a Crestone, Colorado, New Age Community. They share the colony with Roman Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu and polytheistic cults. The Crestone group believes their ashram is where the eastern religions and the western religions meet and that “Father God” will have intercourse with “Mother Earth” to bring forth the “new-age ‘Christ’ in their yogic ashram. A “holy grail” sits in the middle of their temple of worship where they beleive the expected act will someday occur.
The United Nations official who started this ashram with his spouse is the most powerful person in the United Nations and international politics. Their names are Hanne and Maurice Strong and they have a long and interesting history behind them. Maurice Strong grew up in Oak Lake, Manitoba, Canada, where his love of the earth and the earth spirits with whom he communed impelled him to reside in a nearby Manitoban Indian reservation and later on with the Inuit Indians. David Rockefeller was introduced to Maurice Strong when Strong was only 18 years old. Rockefeller immediately took him under his wing to groom him to become the master of the United Nations. Mr. Strong has not yet failed in his mission to create a New World International Order for the late Baron Edmund de Rothschild and banker David Rockefeller, present head of the Rockefeller fortunes..
Mr. Strong has received over 50 honorary degrees from myriad universities and a vast number of merits and honors from countries and royalties throughout the world. He is a Director of many foundations including the Rockefeller Foundation and the Lindesfarne Foundation. He founded the Crestone, Colorado, New Age community in the early 1970’s and has ministered to Gaia at Druid festivals there according to members of the community and knowledgeable persons near the Crestone ashram. A Catholic priest named Father Victor told me that the Pope had requested his entourage to pray for the union of Father God with Mother Earth. The other religions represented there have other priestly functions to aid in the “Union”.
I first met Mr. Strong at the Fourth World Wilderness Congress in 1987. Tshe UN conference was sponsored by Baron Edmund de Rothschild who was there with Mr. David Rockefeller to found a world banking program– which is now very close to becoming a reality. They also proposed that water and food should become commodities and the UN should be the master of the world’s fresh water and food. Thiswish will be realized at the 2012 NCSE Convocation to be held in Washington DC from January 18th to the 20th 2012. Mr. Strong has done his work well as he guides the New World Order’s international ambitions, that is, to subdue the earth and its peoples under an Anti-Christ. Druids are remarkable politicians and diplomats.
One flaw I have noted in Mr. Strong’s almost-impenetrable armor, though, is that he does not practice what he preaches about his devotion to the environment. I have learned, first-hand, that “The Custodian of the Planet”, and “Mr. UN Environment” does not actually respect the environment as evidenced by his presidency of the American Water Development Inc. (“AWDI”), a Colorado corporation. He intended to seize the water rights of the great San Luis Valley aquifer near his ashram and ship the water to distant cities. His actions would have blatantly circumvented strict Colorado aquifer laws and eventually turn the San Luis Valley into a dust bowl. AWDI was caught in the act, fined $20 million dollars and legal fees and Strong fled to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, in the wake of his exposure. He white-washed his exit by claiming it was my 1988 videotape about the New World Order that I had distributed in the Valley that “tarnished his reputation”. Actually, it was my exposure to the Colorado legislature of a secret amendment his henchmen had attached onto a routine quadrennial water review on which the Colorado legislature was prepared to vote. I discovered they had added a secret rider onto the bill that would “allow growth and development interests to utilize and sell the aquifer water” and blew the whistle. The legislature defeated it unanimously and then sued AWDI.
Mr. Strong was also embarrassed in 2006 when he had accepted a check for $988,000 from Tongsun Park in connection with the UN’s Oil-for-Food program with Iraq. He left for China before a grand jury investigation and he now resides in Beijing, China, his new home of record. Pharmaceutical companies and oil companies, among many others, were found to be bribing and dealing with officials in Iraq and the UN to get a piece of Iraq’s infrastructure.
Much more can be said about this Canadian who dwelt among the oaks in Manitoba and began the official Gaia commune of the World Order in Crestone, Colorado. Wikipedia has an abridged description of the man though, unlike Wikipedia’s usual objectivity, it leaves many of the facts I have presented to you out of their article. If you search for AWDI, Maurice Strong, Hanne Strong, Lindesfarne and related subjects I guarantee you will treat yourself to an exposure about the United Nations world leader who practically nobody has ever heard about.
My site “” has a great deal of information within my videotape collection about this fellow as well.
Yours Truly, George W Hunt