All in One

All In One

The All in One Package that includes:
The Big Bad Bank, The New World Bank, The New World Bank Religion & Rulers & The World Conservation Bank: Revisited.

Currency Derivatives — $45 Trillion Business Ad

George W. Hunt investigates a huge $45 Trillion financial cabal area exists that has gone unregulated and how Congress believes it’s time to fix it.

The Stolen Kennedy Bonds: Whodunit and A Call to Action Ad

Citizen George W. Hunt makes a complaint in this videotape against the Federal Reserve Board and various Treasury officials for criminal actions against the people of America.. He accuses Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, Director of the National Economic Council, Lawrence Summers and other parties of withholding facts pertaining to an apparent theft of $134.5 Billion in U.S. notes and bonds, including ten $1 Billion Kennedy Bonds, apparently used to float a U.S. Currency. If the Kennedy bearer bonds are real, there has been a theft from the United States Treasury vaults of huge proportions and into the crooked hands of various European and American banks. Then George Calls to Action for your help in contacting your state representatives about this Hullabaloo.

Conversations with George Hunt Pt 3: Members of Congress for Peace Through Law

In the Members of Congress for Peace through Law portion of the Conversations with George W. Hunt we learn about this special group of educators that influence and quite possibly designate who stays in as a part of the US congress and senate. George talks about a conversation he had with a member of the MCPL who explained what they do as an organization to persuade new house representatives to join and follow a New World Order ideal.

Currency Derivatives – $45 Trillion Business

Currency Derivatives – $45 Trillion Business
George W. Hunt investigates a huge $45 Trillion financial cabal area exists that has gone unregulated and how Congress believes it’s time to fix it.

View the Full Show Description Here

Federal Reserve Closed Saturday

Federal Reserve Closed Down On Saturday
George W. Hunt reveals his finding on the Federal Reserve and Illuminist Bankers involved in the takeover of the worlds money.

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Call to Action

I mentioned the word “hullabaloo” in my message to you. the word hullabaloo means “noisy excitement”. Rogets’s Thesaurus gives other synonyms such as noise, racket, hubbub, din, uproar, clamor and tumult.

Here are my suggestions to each of you who love our country to create this hullabaloo. Please send this message further and share it with each of your personal email contacts. Eventually, millions of people will demand a transparent treasury and a transparent treasurer. We must demand an audit, an accounting, of the $700 Billion TARP funds Timothy Geithner has controlled and from where did the $134 Billion Kennedy Bonds emerge? And Why are we sending Billions to foreign banks?

Please follow these easy instructions about how you can participate in the Hullabaloo.

Number one: Pass this message on to every personal contact you have on your email lists. Send a link from this video here and share it. You can also share the message on twitter, facebook and youtube. Who stole the Kennedy bonds ?

Number two: Use our link to complain to your senators and representatives about potential fraud in the Treasury department. This is how you do it: You can find out who you congressman and senator is by going to this page on the government website. Type in your state and county, then your representatives will pop up, Send the message…no more big bad banks! We want thee Kennedy bonds back.

Number three: Ask God to save our nation. A special prayer for all of my work here on the big bad bank would help. ask god in your prayers to not let America succumb to world domination by diabolical forces in Banks or bearer bonds…….. I will pray for you too.

And once again you can see all of my videos, audio tapes and book right here at
Watch the Stolen Kennedy Bonds: Whodunit? Video Here

The link to contact your state representatives mentioned in this video can be found here:
You can contact him here:

The Stolen Kennedy Bonds: Whodunit?

Citizen George W. Hunt makes a complaint in this videotape against the Federal Reserve Board and various Treasury officials for criminal actions against the people of America.. He accuses Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, Director of the National Economic Council, Lawrence Summers and other parties of withholding facts pertaining to an apparent theft of $134.5 Billion in U.S. notes and bonds, including ten $1 Billion Kennedy Bonds, apparently used to float a U.S. Currency. If the Kennedy bearer bonds are real, there has been a theft from the United States Treasury vaults of huge proportions and into the crooked hands of various European and American banks.

View Full Video Description Here

The World Conservation Bank: Revisited

The World Conservation Bank: Revisited

Re-released in 2009 from the 1994 30 minute edition with new graphics and pictures in digital DVD format.
George W. Hunt re-introduces The World Conservation Bank and it’s players in this special video. We also hear parts about Monetary Matters, New World Order, Sustainable Development, Environment vs. Development and Growth and Development.

View Full Video Description Here

Rothschild’s puppets

Hello Fellow World Citizens! My name is George Washington Hunt. I live in Boulder, Colorado.

A Big Bank is ready for implementation whenever the directors feel the right time occurs, probably

after all the world’s currency systems fail and there is chaos everywhere. It is presently called the

World Conservation Bank but may open in the name of the United Nations or as a private Rothschild

Bank The bank will replace all banks. There will be one big bank. It will issue the world currency, make

loans and finance huge conservation programs. Its power will be great. It could bring any nation to its

knees just by adjustments to credit and currency.


This bank is a creation of the Rothschild banking family. They are special bankers to the very rich

elite and command great respect in the field of international finance and banking. They are also very

clever, cunning bankers and have been known to create brilliant banking agreements. The forthcoming

bank is also clever and cunning and I have the responsibility to educate you about it. From where did I

assume this vast education responsibility? Let’s listen to the voice of David Lang, an international banker

from Montreal, to find out. He has a part in creating this bank and he displays the arrogance of the very

rich elite. So they don’t want to educate us cannon fodder, huh? (According to DAVID LANG). I

hereby am your educator and I plan to show you that this is a fraudulent bank.

The rich elite will invest trillions of dollars into this Rothschild bank in return for stock in the bank.

Their family trusts and foundations are gorged with wealth and they will readily invest in this bank because

if it bankrupts they have the right to step in and claim all of its assets. The assets they seize will include all

of the mortgages and debts of cities, counties, buildings, individuals, everything. When and if the bank

fails, these investors will own all of the collateral that was pledged in return for the trillions of dollars in

loans on everything.

Far-fetched? I hope so. As you hear what they said at the congress and what they have done

before and past, I think you will agree that this bank is a scam and is completely unacceptable.

Watch The video to see what I am talking about!