The All in One Package that includes:
The Big Bad Bank, The New World Bank, The New World Bank Religion & Rulers & The World Conservation Bank: Revisited.
Tag: bank
The Big Bad Bank
The expose documentary by George Washington Hunt of a secret bank created over the past 25 years, all digital updated and new, ready to buy and watch.
Also you can read the script that was used in the recording of this 2009 film here.
The Stolen Kennedy Bonds: Whodunit and A Call to Action Ad
UNCED Earth Summit 1992 Pt. 6 – The 4th World Wilderness Congress Audio Recordings
George Hunt Store
Here is my new Store on The Big Bad Bank website. Browse through for videos, tapes and my book on how the New World Order has been plotting against you for 1000’s of years. Plus I have new material on 911 and how false Jews took down the World Trade centers
from George Hunt on The Big Bad Bank
I hope you visit my recent videotapes at ““. They penetrate into some of the bizarre tricks of the global elite. Thanks!
George Hunt
The Stolen Kennedy Bonds: Whodunit?
The World Conservation Bank: Revisited
Re-released in 2009 from the 1994 30 minute edition with new graphics and pictures in digital DVD format.
George W. Hunt re-introduces The World Conservation Bank and it’s players in this special video. We also hear parts about Monetary Matters, New World Order, Sustainable Development, Environment vs. Development and Growth and Development.
Hello! Our search for the ultimate Rothschild “World
Conservation Banking Programme” is producing more concrete evidence of
where it came from and where it’s going. The last blog I produced
stated that “BANQUE CREDIT AGRICOLE” is the appellation of this
emerging world banking octopus.
The five-month old “AGRICOLE BANK” has already been awarded
honors by JPMorganChase for very effective banking. When Chase
blesses a bank, a cozy relationship May probably be in the stew. Time
will tell.
Remember from the last blog that Banque Edmond de Rothschild,
Geneva, has been noted in the AGRICOLE bank publications that the
Rothschilds are important AGRICOLE confidantes and advisers.
According to AGRICOLE sites, AGRICOLE is currently spreading its
French tentacles throughout the globe to eventually control world
I believe AGRICOLE is ballooning with fraudulent assets in most
areas of its systems. Chances are almost 100 percent that they
haven’t ever received a complete HONEST audit of the primary and
affiliate banking members. Its true capital base is suspected by
fellow bankers ever since they acquired bankrupt CREDIT LYONNAISE (and
possibly placed fictitious and non-performing assets into their
balance sheet in the process to give the bank an appearance of
strength. (see previous blog).
Society will be victimized by this ultimate bank and its
possibly-sinister directorship.
Sincerely, George Hunt
World Conservation Bank | Update!
Dear Readers: Here is an update about the status of the WORLD
CONSERVATION BANK’S progress toward its impending monopoly of the
world banking systems. Its current “front name” is BANQUE CREDIT
AGRICOLE. In its present form it is a French-based international
banking consortium with Bank Privee Edmond de Rothschild heavily
involved in its international growth and formation. The Bank seems to
be the forerunner of the ultimate ROTHSCHILD WORLD CONSERVATION BANK,
BANQUE CREDIT LYONNAISE HISTORY: The Bank changed its name from
CALYON (Credit Agricole {CA} and Bank Credit Lyonnaise [LYON]) to
Banque Credit February 2010. It has already acquired a
strong presence in over 60 countries. Credit Agricole controls each
bank in each of its country locations by acquiring stakes in the local
country banks: Perhaps thereby establishing tentacles of control in
preparation for the “right time” to exercise Rothschild’s world
control over banking. The Bank is #1 in France and soon will be #1 in
Europe. It has 160,000 employees. It’s already a big monster.
Credit Lyonnaise opened its doors when the Suez Canal opened in
the late 1800’s. By 1900 it was the largest bank in the world mostly
due to the vast Suez revenues it had received. Credit Lyonnaise
sustained great damage in a 1996 “accidental fire” that destroyed many
of its important bank records. This fire occurred a few years after
Credit Lyonnaise was proven to have distributed millions of funds for
arms purchases from South Africa, Russia, Israel, the U.S, etc. to
decimate the Tutsi’s in the Rwanda massacre. Citibank, Chase and many
other banks assisted in money-laundering operations, bribes and other
illegal operations at the same time. Egypt was a key party in arming
the Tutus for this ethnic cleansing scheme.
The horrible murders of 800,000 Tutsi’s in the incredible 1994
Rwandan genocide/population reduction scheme is an indictment against
the ethics and nature of Credit Lyonnaise. Soon it may be our only
world banking system, perish the thought! (Note: See Wikipedia about
Credit Lyonnaise history and the Rwanda massacre). This Agricole Bank
may be the foetus of the World Conservation Bank. Let’s watch it grow
in the U.S. It may have different names. I’ll keep you posted.
After the 1996 fire, the Credit Lyonnaise Bank began to
reconstruct itself–and the bank’s Balance Sheet as well. It may have
been very tempting to create billions of non-existent assets out of
the ashes, such as fictitious “loans receivable” from non-existent
debtors. etc,and impart astronomical values to them. It would give a
bank the appearance of being strong and wealthy where it may actually
be an absolute fraud. It needs close examination by impartial
auditors. I believe that the Bank may have the appearance of
possessing greater capital and wealth on its official balance sheet
than may be actually true. I’ll look into the matter. Their balance
sheet MUST be audited very carefully, very soon, before it emerges any
further as an international bank. If non-existent or inflated assets
are located by the auditors in the Balance Sheet, the lies could cause
an eventual collapse of the world banking systems.
I personally believe the Directors of the bank are deceiving the
public about this bank’s true capital worth. Auditors are needed
quickly to get their hands on the bank’s balance sheets to learn if
the bank is a phony. A good honest bevy of bank auditors can find out
quickly if the bank has made errors in judgement….before it becomes
an impenetrable World Conservation Bank.
The big Bad Bank & George Hunt Explode on web video
Wow! Over 100,000 hits on the DVD’s in thebigbadbank site and
other sites! The expose of the world order is taking shape. The
Internet is rumbling against the New World Order. Keep it up. No
wonder John D. Rockefeller IV (“Jay”) is trying to control the
Internet. The Edomite Children of Esau (“Red-Child” = Roche “Feller”
& “Rot” Child) are certainly quaking. They know they are undone if
the people would only demand their destruction. Unfortunately, they
also have the power in their grasp to destroy civilization..
May I suggest that you open a Bible and note the historical
record of the Esau-Jacob conflict in Genesis. Then go to Wikipedia
and see “Edom”, “Esau” and related subjects and you will learn that
Edom controls the power of the present world’s systems with the
intention of eventually killing Israel (Jacob)–and most others along
the way “the cannon fodder”..
No new talk show invitations have occurred. No new offers to
appear on any talk shows throughout the nation. This disappoints me.
Are the stations threatened “not to have that guy, George Hunt, on
your radio talk show—or else.”?. As you may recall in my original
1988 video tape, talk show host Allen Dale, a Texas talk show host,
lost his job for having me on again the next week. The radio station
was bought out, allegedly by the world order crowd. This indicates
that the materials we release are “close to the bone”.
An email was delivered to us that revealed significant
information that an underground bank exists within the craters created
by the scores of A-Bomb “test” explosions after WWII. Bikini Atoll may
house an underwater Rothschild bank which currently (allegedly)
processes most of the world’s credit card transactions. Ten years ago
a knowledgeable person told me the same story—that there is a bank
submerged in the Marshall Islands which processes all soothe worlds’
credit card activities. Look up Bikini Atoll and Marshall Island note the easy tax and banking restrictions on the Marshall
Islands for a general knowledge of the place.
Gotta go for now. I’ll talk again real soon. Sincerely, George Hunt
An email arrived condemning me for speaking ill of Gro Harlem Brundtland
January 26, 2010
Hello Folks!
An email arrived condemning me for speaking ill of Gro Harlem
Brundtland. I do not condemn Gro for who Gro is. I just don’t agree
with the job which her higher authorities have given her to do. Gro
is a charming, vivacious, intelligent, personable, loving, bold,
person. I like that in a person. I worked with her and all the
others to make the Fourth World Wilderness Conference (4thWWC) a
successful experience for everyone. She, Maurice Strong, Edmond de
Rothschild and we Official Hosts did a great job together.
“Gro Harlem Brundtland is a member of a greatly-respected
community”. This statement came out of the mouth of the late Edmond
de Rothschild. He said this as he announced that the attendees at
the 4thWWC “have decided to adopt this bank and I have asked the
Honorable Gro Harlem Brundtland, a member of a greatly-respected
community, to present it to the United Nations next month for
adoption”. (Ed: Who would that “community” be? Come on, be
open-minded—put it together. He is speaking of the Aristocracy, the
ultimate leaders in the coming world order).
Rothschild dictated the World Conservation Bank into existence in
the guise of a democratic conference. The raised right arms among some
of the crowd at the conclusion of the Rothschild meeting did make me a
little nervous. This huge bank will operate solely or in a oligopoly
of banks and will dictate the currencies of the world, credit
throughout the world, a world credit card and the ability to seize any
property they set themselves up to take.
Have you noticed how the bank seems to place personalities ahead
of personalities? I belong to the belief that it should be the other
way around. I believe that honesty requires that honest principles
should be our guide–not a person who is obviously favored (read of
her mercuric rise in the world order)s personalities (i.e., Gro Harlem
Brundtland). above principles (i.e., an honest bank).
Bribers, thieves, plunderers and the too-many treasonous senators
and representatives are actively undermining our country. Believe it
and tell your talk show hosts to have me on the air to explain it to
you. By now, unfortunately, they have probably received the word not
to have me on their show “or they will regret it”. There are other
ways: “Hey, Senator John D. Rockefeller IV (“Jay”): You want to
control the internet; you want the government to have the power to
shut down “our” internet in favor of commerce and the military.
People, we must unravel what he is doing (if we can). Report your
“suspicions” and we’ll come together on Alex Jones” or Jesse Ventura’s
programs to report our conclusions. OK? Let’s work together on
keeping the government too much into internet restrictions.
Watch the videos here
VerySincerely Yours, George Hunt
Military action, Soviet revolution, JPMorgan Chase, Oh MY!
I discovered in an article in London’s “Manchester Guardian” that the Rothschilds established a new Rothschild bank in October 1987. This was about one month after the World Conservation Bank was enacted at the 4th World Wilderness Congress in September 1987. I believe all banks will topple into and/or be absorbed into this Rothschild bank addition.
What may evolve after a currency collapse could be chaos! Think, military action. To quell the fears install a government to control the panic of the populace. The new government will probably be fascist similar to the cruel government after the Soviet revolution. This is not a pretty picture of what could happen, but it could..
I present solid evidence that this new bank is a project of the very rich eliste and doomed to bankruptcy even before it is established. The first indicator that this is a sham bank is that they don’t want to tell the middle and lower classes about the bank. They don’t want to tell you and me about it; they don’t want to educate you about it. Why not? Because the facts point to a concealed fraud and we cannot live with a monster like this bank.. This will be an interesting and educational adventure for you into the world of international banking, complete with associated fraud, deceit, secrecy, sorcery and corruption. Who do you know that should see the presentation? It may be your friends, a congressman, a local official, your church, mosque or synagogue, the person next door who is interested in the so-called conspiracy theory. As you will see, the so-called conspiracy theory will become a FACT after you view this presentation. It is my goal to educate millions of people about this bank– and you are one of them. The facts in this presentation dispel the conspiracy theory. It is now conspiracy fact. Our banking systems are indeed in the clutches of a major conspiracy. Trillions of American and Canadian taxes have been paid to banks that do not deserve the bailouts. The banks requiring bailouts should have been left to perish. Their non-adherence to the ethics of their profession cost the taxpayers trillions of dollars. I still wonder why JPMorgan Chase was granted $25 billion in bailout funds when they had $2.1 trillion in assets. I wonder, too, how much of that bailout money may have wound up as a deposit in the new bank. What do you think?
Rothschild’s puppets
A Big Bank is ready for implementation whenever the directors feel the right time occurs, probably
after all the world’s currency systems fail and there is chaos everywhere. It is presently called the
World Conservation Bank but may open in the name of the United Nations or as a private Rothschild
Bank The bank will replace all banks. There will be one big bank. It will issue the world currency, make
loans and finance huge conservation programs. Its power will be great. It could bring any nation to its
knees just by adjustments to credit and currency.
This bank is a creation of the Rothschild banking family. They are special bankers to the very rich
elite and command great respect in the field of international finance and banking. They are also very
clever, cunning bankers and have been known to create brilliant banking agreements. The forthcoming
bank is also clever and cunning and I have the responsibility to educate you about it. From where did I
assume this vast education responsibility? Let’s listen to the voice of David Lang, an international banker
from Montreal, to find out. He has a part in creating this bank and he displays the arrogance of the very
rich elite. So they don’t want to educate us cannon fodder, huh? (According to DAVID LANG). I
hereby am your educator and I plan to show you that this is a fraudulent bank.
The rich elite will invest trillions of dollars into this Rothschild bank in return for stock in the bank.
Their family trusts and foundations are gorged with wealth and they will readily invest in this bank because
if it bankrupts they have the right to step in and claim all of its assets. The assets they seize will include all
of the mortgages and debts of cities, counties, buildings, individuals, everything. When and if the bank
fails, these investors will own all of the collateral that was pledged in return for the trillions of dollars in
loans on everything.
Far-fetched? I hope so. As you hear what they said at the congress and what they have done
before and past, I think you will agree that this bank is a scam and is completely unacceptable.
Watch The video to see what I am talking about!