The All in One Package that includes:
The Big Bad Bank, The New World Bank, The New World Bank Religion & Rulers & The World Conservation Bank: Revisited.
Tag: New World Order
The Big Bad Bank
The expose documentary by George Washington Hunt of a secret bank created over the past 25 years, all digital updated and new, ready to buy and watch.
Also you can read the script that was used in the recording of this 2009 film here.
The New World Bank
George Hunt’s re-master of the original edition of the New World Bank documentary from 1988. In this video George talks with Charles Wheeling about his findings at the 4th World Wilderness Congress the year before.
The New World Bank: Religion and Rulers
George Hunt’s re-master of the original edition of the New World Bank, Religion and Rulers documentary from 1988. In this video George talks with Charles Wheeling about his findings at the 4th World Wilderness Congress the year before.
The New World Bank: Religion and Rulers Ad
The New World Bank: Ad
George Hunt’s The Big Bad Bank – All in One
The All in One Package that includes:
The Big Bad Bank, The New World Bank, The New World Bank Religion & Rulers & The World Conservation Bank: Revisited.
World Conservation Bank: Revisited Ad
The Murder of Ilya Zhitomirskiy
The Arab Revolutions and The Rothschild’s Ad
Conversations with George W. Hunt Ad
Facebook Corporation — Corruption and Control Ad
(Levant) – Islam Receives Jesus Christ the Messiah Ad
The Big Bad Bank Ad
The Big Bad Bank: Printed Manual Ad
A printed manual of exhibits and articles used in the Big Bad Bank DVD. This manual is a “must” to comprehend the conspiracy. It’s so factual that anyone who reads it will reluctantly admit that this conspiracy expose is valid.
George Hunt investigates the UNCED Earth Summit 1992 Ad
George Hunt Speaks in Utah, May 10th, 1991 Ad
Ilya Zhitomirskiy, Diaspora Founder, Murdered(?)
From: George W. Hunt, January 25, 2012, Longmont Colorado
Who caused the death of Ilya Zhitomirskiy, the founder of the “Diaspora” social site? The silence of the San Francisco Coroner’s Office suggests to me that foul play may have been the cause of his sudden death at 22 years of age. The facts of his alleged “suicide” are being suppressed for some reason. It has been 48 days since his death. The San Francisco Coroner’s Office announced on November 12, 2011, that the autopsy results would be ready in about 21 days (“three weeks”). I called the San Francisco Coroner on January 22, 2012 for the autopsy results and the examiner’s assistant replied that no report has yet been released. Today is the 48th day since his death and I feel that something may be very wrong within the Coroner’s jurisdiction. I feel that someone is retarding the autopsy report as a regular autopsy would never take so long to complete.
I phoned the San Francisco Coroner’s office on January 12, 2012, the 45th day after Ilya’s death. The examiner’s assistant confirmed that the medical report had not yet been announced. My question is: Are Ilya’s autopsy results being delayed while the public forgets this very sad event? Another question: Could Diaspora’s competitors affecting the autopsy results and the delays? Bribes and threats can change autopsy results if the price is high eniough and the threat is frightening enough, so my prayer is that the Coroner and staff involved in Ilya’s autopsy not submit to coercion and threats if such are being applied.
At the time of Ilya’s death he was not depressed according to friends who knew him well—(though their remarks were somehow not mentioned much in the media). The papers and the Internet quickly called Ilya’s death an alleged suicide. Perhaps the journalists should have called his death an alleged murder. Ilya was taking on some big social media sites such as Google, Facebook and others. His invention offered valid personal privacy options that competing social sites recognized as a very large threat to their commercial power and greed..
Ilya had some minor cash flow problems which were aggravated by PayPal’s illegal delaying the funds pouring into Dispora—those “Go for it Ilya!” contributions for his social site project. Diaspora and Ilya were prepared to outclass the major social sites such as Google and Facebook . Somebody in the social site business may have been jealous and fearful that Ilya was on the road to success. May Ilya rest in peace.
Sincerely, George W. Hunt
Where On Earth Are We Going?
The late Edmund de Rothschild created the United Nations Committee on the Environment and Development (UNCED—pronounced “Unsaid”) in 1972. His dynasty created the Committee and they are the Trustee of the UNCED meetings. I had the opportunity to attend his fourth UNCED meeting in September 1987. It was named the Fourth World Wilderness meeting and met at Estes Park and Denver, Colorado. I witnessed his cohorts create the ultimate New World Order banking program and the New World Order environment plans. The Chairwoman, Gro Harlem Brundtland, has carried their declarations through the UN. As a matter of fact, she’ll be the keynote speaker at the forthcoming January 18th NCSE meeting. Brundtland was the Prime Minister of Norway and the Director of the World Health Organization. Her curriculum vitae is covered in Wikipedia and in the Manual on my site..
Bluntly put, the aims of Strong, Rockefeller, Rothschild and Brundtland are to eliminate indigenous people by changing natural water patterns, cycles and water flows, and using EPA laws to reduce supplies of potable water to urban populations. Indigenous people and wildlife will suffer great harm. Another purpose is to make the UN the center of costly water projects funded by the international banking community. They plan to issue 25-30-year bonds to fund the tremendous costs of the blue-sky projects which will eventually become inoperative and technological nightmares. The Common People (you and me) will pay for the UN’s disastrous “mistakes”.
Yes, it sounds draconian but that is how some elite psychos think. Brundtland has been quoted to say that the world population should be 500 million people, not six billion people (the Club of Rome concurs). They will accomplish these goals by, among many devices, adding chemicals, “fracking impurities” and sewage into the world’s waterways plus other means such as famine, pestilence, civil wars, terrorism and poor food distribution.
Thank you for viewing this Blog and please pass the word on to others about how the UN’s Pale Horse of Death will be set loose upon society. Yours Truly, George W Hunt Site:
Drug Companies Are Bankrupting Social Security
Seroquel is a pharmaceutical that relieves bi-polar symptoms. The drug is patented by AstraZaneca, a United Kingdom drug manufacturer. The retail cost for one pill in the United States is $9.66 for the branded product. No generic tablet is presently available in the U.S.. That’s a lot of money for one pill but when I bought them in Europe and Canada they provided me with a perfectly-fine generic equivalent for Seroquel for only $1.37.
What’s going on here? Why are U.S. price so high? First, a generic equivalent is not available in the U.S.–even though the rest of the world purchases the pills at retail for less than $2,00. I researched this anomaly further and learned that the powerful pharmaceutical industry allegedly bribes Congressmen with large speaking honorariums or other good works. They also contribute millions to Congress’s “blind trusts” (which we are led to believe that our Congress persons are not permitted to see or know about). Congress supports the drug companies and the drug companies support the Congressmen. Such behavior is criminal but since all parties are playing ball with each other their crimes are not mentioned by mutual consent.
Where does Social Security fit into this scheme? The huge difference between $9.66 per pill and $1.37 per pill is sucked out of our Social Security funds for Medicare patients. If Medicare is not involved, large profits at retail are realized for Walgreen, Rite-Aid, etc., if the patient is paying the regular $9.66 price instead of the $1.37 price.
The drug companies are actually on a campaign right now to make Congress vote to forbid the purchase of foreign-dispensed drugs. Canada is the biggest source of mail-order drugs with 85 percent of the market followed by Mexico with most of the remaining balance. Congress could do the bidding of the drug merchants and vote against foreign-provided drugs BUT on the proviso that the United States will not pay more for pharmaceuticals than the rest of the world. Such an act would help preserve the Social Security system longer for our generation and the next plus save U.S. citizens lots and lots of money at retail.
Yours Truly, George W Hunt