Tag: Scott Paper
Conversations with George W. Hunt
Conversations with George Hunt Pt 2: Scott Paper Co. and My Lost Job
Why I spoke up against the Scott Paper company
Scott was in stages 1,2 and 3 when I left and we know the rest. “Chainsaw” fired VP’s and executives left and right. The company became a victim of Philadelphians’ protest against Scott’s polluting policies, Their executive VP “Junior” (McCabe’s son–sales people hated him for some reason) died in a horrible household fire and the company just came unglued with various disappointing events. I still respect the company’s products and many effective people I worked with. In my loneliness I went it on my own and eventually became a multi-millionaire. Interestingly, I went to stage 4 with my own corporation before I sold to a good bidder. I also learned that entrepreneurs do have a problem with management. I became rather bored with the whole thing after I got it off the ground.
Getting fired allowed me to bring my wife and family of three boys to mountain living in Boulder. Goodbye, East Coast.
You wrote a great book and I’ll follow you along your way to successful teaching. By the way, take a look at my DVD’s about the banking system at “UNCED” or www.thebigbadbank.com. Business has some very unfriendly competition coming their way, as you will see.
Sincerely Yours, George “Buzz” Hunt georgehunt@thebigbadbank.com