Conversations with George W. Hunt Ad

A 5 part series titled Conversations with George W. Hunt, including his talks on Family Trusts and Foundations, Scott Paper Co. and My Lost Job, Members of Congress for Peace Through Law, Congress Does the Wishes of the Federal Reserve, and George Hunt Answers the Tough Questions by Talk Host Jann Scott. In these talks we learn more about how the big bankers and the government are moving closer and closer to a New World Order domination and almost without a choice due to pressure from the shareholders who control the Federal Reserve and that money which controls even our government and worldwide policies that effect even our beliefs as individuals.

The United Nations Enters A New Era Of Authority

On January 18, 2012, a major United Nations event will occur. International water and food recommendations will be passed at the 2012 NCSE Conference in Washington DC that will devastate society. UN control of the earth’s fresh water will be recommended “for the welfare of humanity everywhere” and later passed into law by the General Assembly and the Security Council.

The intentions and proposals of the Rothschild family for world control are embedded into these recommendations. The international banking community will underwrite bond issues for vast environment projects. Baron Rothschild disclosed at a UN meeting that the projects will often be inoperative and technologically unsound. He also admitted that indigenous peoples and wildlife will be problematic to his plans for the UN-Banker world water corporation. Please view my mid-December 2011 videotapes at “” explaining the whole situation. They’re called “Water Water Everywhere” and I think you’ll like them. Yours Truly, George W Hunt

UNCED Earth Summit 1992 Pt.5 – Politicians and Bureaucrats Exposed

David Rockefeller and William Ruckelshaus were speakers at the 4th world wilderness congress, Ruckelshaus being the representative of the Environment and Rockefeller being the representative of Development. The Hypocrisy behind this matchup is that they are also the men who make the Laws behind what they can do to the environment. So Who’s Behind the UNCED Earth Summit Meetings? This question is as easy as following the money. In an audio recording we hear Edmund de Rothschild suggest we develop ways to maintain the temperature of the Polar Ice Caps with inoperative and modern technologies as an example of what the might do with the money in this bank.

Conversations with George W. Hunt

A 5 part series titled Conversations with George W. Hunt, including his talks on Family Trusts and Foundations, Scott Paper Co. and My Lost Job, Members of Congress for Peace Through Law, Congress Does the Wishes of the Federal Reserve, and George Hunt Answers the Tough Questions by Talk Host Jann Scott. In these talks we learn more about how the big bankers and the government are moving closer and closer to a New World Order domination and almost without a choice due to pressure from the shareholders who control the Federal Reserve and that money which controls even our government and worldwide policies that effect even our beliefs as individuals.

Full Video Descriptions Here

Conversations with George Hunt Pt 4: Congress Does the Wishes of the Federal Reserve

Our Senator and Representatives finally haggled ou the Debt Relief Bill in August, 2011 and George Washington Hunt talks about the implications that congress has agreed upon and how they are basically just doing what the Federal Reserve is telling them to do. This just increases the truth that a New World Order Conspiracy is not a conspiracy but an actual Fact in the makings and George goes on to remind us of some of the players who have part in history of this New World Order. Dissemblers is what Mr. Hunt calls them, a con artist or two face in essence, someone who harbors a secret agenda in the heart that is contrary to the thing he or she represents. Watch out they’re everywhere.