The United Nations Enters A New Era Of Authority

On January 18, 2012, a major United Nations event will occur. International water and food recommendations will be passed at the 2012 NCSE Conference in Washington DC that will devastate society. UN control of the earth’s fresh water will be recommended “for the welfare of humanity everywhere” and later passed into law by the General Assembly and the Security Council.

The intentions and proposals of the Rothschild family for world control are embedded into these recommendations. The international banking community will underwrite bond issues for vast environment projects. Baron Rothschild disclosed at a UN meeting that the projects will often be inoperative and technologically unsound. He also admitted that indigenous peoples and wildlife will be problematic to his plans for the UN-Banker world water corporation. Please view my mid-December 2011 videotapes at “” explaining the whole situation. They’re called “Water Water Everywhere” and I think you’ll like them. Yours Truly, George W Hunt

Conversations with George Hunt Pt 1: Family Trusts and Foundations

George W. Hunt talks about Family Trusts and how they’re used against us by the very rich. The rich put all their assets into a Pure Equity Trust which allow them to in essence evade the Taxes that apply to a normal tax payer. George tells us how he experienced in firsthand how the IRS prevented him from getting a trust of his own and why this continues to prove how America is not a free country, how the IRS is a rotten origination and the very rich have special tax relief that make our income tax look like a joke.