You Tube cancels our account…. Again!

George Hunt
George Hunt Video series
All this month I am releasing a new video series 1 each week. Please look here for news on them . It is a whole new series where I sit in the back yard and have a conversation with you about these important matters. The concern the IRS, the Rich Elite, Banking and more. I hope you join me each week for “Conversations with George Hunt”
produced by the good people at Channel 1 Networks
George Hunt Store

Here is my new Store on The Big Bad Bank website. Browse through for videos, tapes and my book on how the New World Order has been plotting against you for 1000’s of years. Plus I have new material on 911 and how false Jews took down the World Trade centers
Conversations with George Hunt Pt 1: Family Trusts and Foundations
Jewish Lightning
George Hunt presents Jewish Lightning and investigation of the greatest ever possible occurrence of Jewish Lightning, or arson, on September 11th, 2001.In Part 1 of the Jewish Lightning investigation George informs us about Larry A. Silverstein’s purchase of the leasing rights to the World Trade center complex and the insurance policies taken out by Silverstein properties Was it an Arab attack or a Jewish attack.In Part 2 George continues his investigation of the greatest possible case of Jewish Lightning known to man, the 9/11 World Trade Center attack. George also investigates the Rockefeller’s entire Downtown Lower Manhattan Association and other properties in New York City, including the World Trade Center Complex, The Federal Reserve Bank, Wall Street stock exchange, the Financial Plaza, The Trinity Church, The Wall Street Synagogue. George tells more about the Chabad Wall Street Synagogue has distorted the truths about the Torah, Then to wrap the show up George Hunt is interviewed by Jann Scott, a local TV Talk Show host in Boulder, and Jann asks George about his findings in the Jewish Lightning matter.
Jewish Lightning Pt. 1
Jewish Lightning Pt. 2
George Hunt asks the World: Learning From History – I did my part, now will your do yours?
from George Hunt on The Big Bad Bank
I hope you visit my recent videotapes at ““. They penetrate into some of the bizarre tricks of the global elite. Thanks!
George Hunt
Arab Revolutions and The Rothschild’s
Part I: Facebook Is Corrupt, Dishonest and Very Dangerous
Part II: Who Owns and Controls Facebook Corporation?
Islam Receives Jesus Christ the Messiah
Currency Derivatives – $45 Trillion Business
George W. Hunt investigates a huge $45 Trillion financial cabal area exists that has gone unregulated and how Congress believes it’s time to fix it.
Federal Reserve Closed Saturday
George W. Hunt reveals his finding on the Federal Reserve and Illuminist Bankers involved in the takeover of the worlds money.
NEW Hullabaloo: call to action Kennedy Bonds George Hunt
Watch the Stolen Kennedy Bonds: Whodunit? Video Here to contact your state representatives mentioned in this video can be found here: You can contact him here:
Call to Action
Here are my suggestions to each of you who love our country to create this hullabaloo. Please send this message further and share it with each of your personal email contacts. Eventually, millions of people will demand a transparent treasury and a transparent treasurer. We must demand an audit, an accounting, of the $700 Billion TARP funds Timothy Geithner has controlled and from where did the $134 Billion Kennedy Bonds emerge? And Why are we sending Billions to foreign banks?
Please follow these easy instructions about how you can participate in the Hullabaloo.
Number one: Pass this message on to every personal contact you have on your email lists. Send a link from this video here and share it. You can also share the message on twitter, facebook and youtube. Who stole the Kennedy bonds ?
Number two: Use our link to complain to your senators and representatives about potential fraud in the Treasury department. This is how you do it: You can find out who you congressman and senator is by going to this page on the government website. Type in your state and county, then your representatives will pop up, Send the message…no more big bad banks! We want thee Kennedy bonds back.
Number three: Ask God to save our nation. A special prayer for all of my work here on the big bad bank would help. ask god in your prayers to not let America succumb to world domination by diabolical forces in Banks or bearer bonds…….. I will pray for you too.
And once again you can see all of my videos, audio tapes and book right here at
Watch the Stolen Kennedy Bonds: Whodunit? Video Here
The link to contact your state representatives mentioned in this video can be found here:
You can contact him here:
Faith and Liberty – The Root of All Evil
George W. Hunt talks about the elite World Bank called Banque Credit Agricole that will collapse all other banks into it as a Global World Bank that owns over 1/3 of the Earths Wilderness and as the foremost International banking whistle-blower George W. Hunt identifies the very names, programs, banks and organizations that have been hard at work to destroy the global economy in favor of a one world banking system that plans to lord over every aspect of our society.
Bloomberg has not kept its promise to fight for transparency
concerning the above lawsuit. I recently launched a DVD/Videotape on
the subject of the lack of transparency in the Treasury Department and
then I ran across your article that gave me the impression that you
were doing something about it. After two years of strenuous legal
work, where are you in the matter? Is this another dead case that
journalists say is being done, but it isn’t?
Please, find out to whom all the treasury’s money is going and what
are the instruments that created the presumed indebtedness of AIG and
other huge banks. Was there possible stealth afoot in applying the
TARP and other funds? What has Geithner touched that may be contrary
to honesty and ethics? Look at his income tax history in Wikipedia
for a start.
My God, if Bloomberg has not kept its promise to fight for
transparency in this case and then let it die, then shame on whoever
did not pursue it. Were they mere soothsayers who promised to gain
transparency and then let the case peter out somewhere in the system?
Thank you for listening and I really would like to chat briefly with
one of you about where this case is really at. Sincerely, George W.
P.S.: The videotape I recently launched about the lack of treasury
transparency can be seen at ““. Its subject is “The
Kennedy Bonds: Whodunit?”