George W. Hunt talks about the elite World Bank called Banque Credit Agricole that will collapse all other banks into it as a Global World Bank that owns over 1/3 of the Earths Wilderness and as the foremost International banking whistle-blower George W. Hunt identifies the very names, programs, banks and organizations that have been hard at work to destroy the global economy in favor of a one world banking system that plans to lord over every aspect of our society.
1. Faith and Liberty – Pt. 1 – Conspiracy Facts – George is welcomed to the conference and introduces some of the topics he is going to speak about and how he began on this life long investigation of what we now call The Big Bad Bank. In earlier years George was introduced to Myron Fagan’s Illuminati and CFR album that sparked his interest into the world of conspiracy and he began to investigate if there was any truths in the mist. In 1987 George made a big breakthrough at The 4th World Conservation Congress and explains how he got into the conference and some topics they spoke about, including the Growth and Development of the wilderness lands and a bank that was being created with the lands being the assets of this New World Bank. Some speakers at the event include; David Rockefeller, The Secretary of the Treasury, James Baker, Gro Harlem Brutland, Maurice Strong and Edmund de Rothschild.
2. Faith and Liberty – Pt. 2 – 4th World Wilderness Congress – George speaks about when he first arrived at the conference and what the 4th World Wilderness Conference was about. He shows us some handouts that they had at the congress including the big booklet “Our Common Future” which explained how bad it was in Africa and other basically 4th World Countries that they were going to focus on. This opened George’s eyes to what was really going on behind the conference and in fact they were presenting a bank that was going to control the entire world’s money. After more than 20 years now, George stumbled onto what he thinks is the bank that they were creating at that conference in 1987 that will be The Big Bad Bank, also known as Banque Credit Agricole that almost came out of nowhere, so George Hunt investigates more.
3. Faith and Liberty – Pt. 3 – Cannon Fodder – George plays us the speech from David Lang at the 4th World Wilderness Congress, who tells us that the bank doesn’t make sense and how the bank’s assets are imaginary. The George talks about how the bank will work and how they will control the common man’s money and rights to loans, mortgages etc… George quotes David Spangler on the New World Order and proceeds to explain some background on the Rothschild’s lineage and where their family and associates sit in the banking world. Then George show us the relation to his current topics to historical religious stories and denominations and how the Edomites relate almost directly with the Rothschild’s meaning Red and Red Child and starts to bring it all together.
4. Faith and Liberty – Pt. 4 – The Big Bad Bank – George plays a quote from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin who Edmund de Rotchschild misquotes at the Congress by removing the word God from the quote. As well George presents some more documents from other conferences and newspaper articles that relate to his investigation into this Bank and what banks will become this Big Bad Bank (Credit Agricole), The World Bank, IMF, Bank for Reconstruction and settlements.
5. Faith and Liberty – Pt. 5 – Analysis – George plays some more audio recording from the 4th World Wilderness congress and analyzes some of what they talk about, including voice recordings of I Michael Sweatman and Maurice Strong. George tells how he asked questions about the bank and how it will survive with mirage assets and how there were left unanswered and how this gave him inspiration to take on the role of educating the public about this unheard of bank. George exits with some interesting articles and websites he has come across throughout the years.