All in One

All In One

The All in One Package that includes:
The Big Bad Bank, The New World Bank, The New World Bank Religion & Rulers & The World Conservation Bank: Revisited.

The New World Bank

New World Bank

George Hunt’s re-master of the original edition of the New World Bank documentary from 1988. In this video George talks with Charles Wheeling about his findings at the 4th World Wilderness Congress the year before.

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The New World Bank: Religion and Rulers

The New World Bank: Religion and Rulers

George Hunt’s re-master of the original edition of the New World Bank, Religion and Rulers documentary from 1988. In this video George talks with Charles Wheeling about his findings at the 4th World Wilderness Congress the year before.

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The New World Bank: Religion and Rulers Ad

George Hunt’s re-master of the original edition of the New World Bank, Religion and Rulers documentary from 1988. In this video George talks with Charles Wheeling about his findings at the 4th World Wilderness Congress the year before.

The New World Bank: Ad

George Hunt’s re-master of the original edition of the New World Bank, Religion and Rulers documentary from 1988. In this video George talks with Charles Wheeling about his findings at the 4th World Wilderness Congress the year before.

Ilya Zhitomirskiy, Diaspora Founder, Murdered(?)

Ilya Zhitomirskiy, Diaspora Founder, Murdered(?)

From: George W. Hunt, January 25, 2012, Longmont Colorado
Who caused the death of Ilya Zhitomirskiy, the founder of the “Diaspora” social site? The silence of the San Francisco Coroner’s Office suggests to me that foul play may have been the cause of his sudden death at 22 years of age. The facts of his alleged “suicide” are being suppressed for some reason. It has been 48 days since his death. The San Francisco Coroner’s Office announced on November 12, 2011, that the autopsy results would be ready in about 21 days (“three weeks”). I called the San Francisco Coroner on January 22, 2012 for the autopsy results and the examiner’s assistant replied that no report has yet been released. Today is the 48th day since his death and I feel that something may be very wrong within the Coroner’s jurisdiction. I feel that someone is retarding the autopsy report as a regular autopsy would never take so long to complete.

I phoned the San Francisco Coroner’s office on January 12, 2012, the 45th day after Ilya’s death. The examiner’s assistant confirmed that the medical report had not yet been announced. My question is: Are Ilya’s autopsy results being delayed while the public forgets this very sad event? Another question: Could Diaspora’s competitors affecting the autopsy results and the delays? Bribes and threats can change autopsy results if the price is high eniough and the threat is frightening enough, so my prayer is that the Coroner and staff involved in Ilya’s autopsy not submit to coercion and threats if such are being applied.
At the time of Ilya’s death he was not depressed according to friends who knew him well—(though their remarks were somehow not mentioned much in the media). The papers and the Internet quickly called Ilya’s death an alleged suicide. Perhaps the journalists should have called his death an alleged murder. Ilya was taking on some big social media sites such as Google, Facebook and others. His invention offered valid personal privacy options that competing social sites recognized as a very large threat to their commercial power and greed..

Ilya had some minor cash flow problems which were aggravated by PayPal’s illegal delaying the funds pouring into Dispora—those “Go for it Ilya!” contributions for his social site project. Diaspora and Ilya were prepared to outclass the major social sites such as Google and Facebook . Somebody in the social site business may have been jealous and fearful that Ilya was on the road to success. May Ilya rest in peace.

Sincerely, George W. Hunt

UNCED Earth Summit 1992 Pt. 6 – The 4th World Wilderness Congress Audio Recordings

We listen to a voice recording from the 4th WorId wilderness congress of Edmund de Rothschild who talks about the concept of the bank they have planned during this conference and how the wilderness has a part of their investments, created by Michael Sweatman.

UNCED Earth Summit 1992 Pt.5 – Politicians and Bureaucrats Exposed

David Rockefeller and William Ruckelshaus were speakers at the 4th world wilderness congress, Ruckelshaus being the representative of the Environment and Rockefeller being the representative of Development. The Hypocrisy behind this matchup is that they are also the men who make the Laws behind what they can do to the environment. So Who’s Behind the UNCED Earth Summit Meetings? This question is as easy as following the money. In an audio recording we hear Edmund de Rothschild suggest we develop ways to maintain the temperature of the Polar Ice Caps with inoperative and modern technologies as an example of what the might do with the money in this bank.

UNCED Earth Summit 1992 Pt. 3– The First, Seconds, Third Worlds

The First World, Second World, Third Worlds are used to describe blocks of political entities. The First World is the capitalist countries of Europe and North America who are industrial and therefore the world’s biggest polluters. The Second World is the Soviet Union and the Eastern bloc countries. The Second world countries are going to be saved by a Second Marshall plan created by the Rothschild Group, the truth comes out and we see examples of it in effect already. The Third World are those countries who have emerged since World War II, they are young and easily fooled and the World Bank drains their assets even faster than they can blink. In an article we see, Maurice Strong suggest that the Third World poor countries may start an uprising at the World Economic Forum held in Switzerland and demand that the First World countries sign an agreement to reduce their impact on the environment.

Federal Reserve Closed Saturday

Federal Reserve Closed Down On Saturday
George W. Hunt reveals his finding on the Federal Reserve and Illuminist Bankers involved in the takeover of the worlds money.

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The World Conservation Bank: Revisited

The World Conservation Bank: Revisited

Re-released in 2009 from the 1994 30 minute edition with new graphics and pictures in digital DVD format.
George W. Hunt re-introduces The World Conservation Bank and it’s players in this special video. We also hear parts about Monetary Matters, New World Order, Sustainable Development, Environment vs. Development and Growth and Development.

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George Hunt on The Alex Jones Show

Alex Jones Show

See George Hunt on The Alex Jones radio show January 12, 2010

Alex welcomes to the show George Washington Hunt, a former naval officer and an official host at the UNCED 4th World Wilderness Congress. Hunt is educating the public on a secret bank set in motion by international financier Edmond de Rothschild and Maurice Strong. Hunt exposes this conspiracy in his 30 minute documentary, The Big Bad Bank.