The All in One Package that includes:
The Big Bad Bank, The New World Bank, The New World Bank Religion & Rulers & The World Conservation Bank: Revisited.
Tag: millions
The World Conservation Bank: Revisited
Re-released in 2009 from the 1994 30 minute edition with new graphics and pictures in digital DVD format.
George W. Hunt re-introduces The World Conservation Bank and it’s players in this special video. We also hear parts about Monetary Matters, New World Order, Sustainable Development, Environment vs. Development and Growth and Development.
New World Order.. in case you wern’t listening
It’s a very long story–almost incredible. You can witness my battle ground, my losses and my slight victories if you would please see my site ““. It is laughable material to many, but I come armed with facts: And the New World Order crowd know it. Nature Conservancy was the so-called independent conservation group that was chosen by many authorities to handle the Great Sand Dunes National Park creation and very complicated redistribution of vast lands (including a mountain). They also handled the funds streaming in from the the federal government, the Yale Endowment Fund, a big loan at low interest from a private endowment fund The funds came in and the money poured oat. Except for about $8 million that was paid to AWDI, Maurice Strong or other inter-connected
corporations, partnerships, et al. Some residents in the San Luis Valley/Crestone area smell a
rat…and so do I. The crux is that payment to parties who were not legally qualified to receive them may have been made, and I merely want to audit their books with the assistance of an auditor who I will pay to assist me. In return, they block my emails between me and you: Yet you communicate with Betsy with no blockage. NatCons people do not receive my appointment requests and very reluctantly return my insistent phone calls. , in a word, they seem to have a “keep away” air about them. Nature Conservancy will be doing another deal similar to the Great Sand Dunes deal sometime “before May 27, 2010” I understand. Beware the “conservationists” bearing gifts. Lexam Exploration is part of this confusing circle of financial ledger domain. Robert E. McEwen, CEO, allegedly tapped for the World Bank leadership, is playing the minerals game on the Baca with the federal money as well They’ll get millions for their “mineral rights” and Strong will get millions for his “water rights” he does not own and the “naive” NatCons crowd innocently watches the United States, the Indians and Saguache County citizens lose their precious God- inspired land to the ravenous, persons’ who have invaded the show.
corporations, partnerships, et al. Some residents in the San Luis Valley/Crestone area smell a
rat…and so do I. The crux is that payment to parties who were not legally qualified to receive them may have been made, and I merely want to audit their books with the assistance of an auditor who I will pay to assist me. In return, they block my emails between me and you: Yet you communicate with Betsy with no blockage. NatCons people do not receive my appointment requests and very reluctantly return my insistent phone calls. , in a word, they seem to have a “keep away” air about them. Nature Conservancy will be doing another deal similar to the Great Sand Dunes deal sometime “before May 27, 2010” I understand. Beware the “conservationists” bearing gifts. Lexam Exploration is part of this confusing circle of financial ledger domain. Robert E. McEwen, CEO, allegedly tapped for the World Bank leadership, is playing the minerals game on the Baca with the federal money as well They’ll get millions for their “mineral rights” and Strong will get millions for his “water rights” he does not own and the “naive” NatCons crowd innocently watches the United States, the Indians and Saguache County citizens lose their precious God- inspired land to the ravenous, persons’ who have invaded the show.