You Tube suspended our account Again

Fellow world Citizens

You know , when I write about social media, the monoton cyborgs who run You Tube  get the wrong impression. They actually cancelled our account for something related to Film Channel 1 who is not me. 

No matter, You Tube is hell bent on violating everyones First Amendment Rights. So for now You have to view, watch and comment here. Please forward to everyone on your email list.

George Hunt

You Tube cancels our account…. Again!

It has happened again. You tube has cancelled our account. Now what? They sent us some lame latter that has nothing to do with our videos. We appealed and they’ll probably put my videos back up in a month! Meanwhile , they slander our good name. Fortunately I have all of my videos here on The big Bad Bank site. As you know, I am no fan of large SM companies like You Tube, Face book or Google. Here is a living reason why.

George Hunt

George Hunt Video series

Fellow World Citizens,

All this month I am releasing a new video series 1 each week. Please look here for news on them . It is a whole new series where I sit in the back yard and have a conversation with you about these important matters. The concern the IRS, the Rich Elite, Banking and more. I hope you join me each week for “Conversations with George Hunt”


produced by the good people at Channel 1 Networks

George Hunt Store

Hi Everyone,

George Hunt and Jewish Lightning
How false New York Jews took down the World Trade centers

Here is my new Store on The Big Bad Bank website. Browse through for videos, tapes and my book on how the New World Order has been plotting against you for 1000’s of years. Plus I have new material on 911 and how false Jews took down the World Trade centers

George Hunt asks the World: Learning From History – I did my part, now will your do yours?

Scroll on down, please read it to the end. Very good read, which you must re-learn and tell others to remember!

This is an awesome email and is good to reread and get it soaked in—especially the thought and issue of LEARNING HISTORY and LEARNING FROM HISTORY and whether you like him or not— Glenn Beck has done a great thing for this nation by open our minds and eyes to not just our own American history–but to world history which most of us didn’t know and much of which has been purposely hidden from us or buried deep in hope those that did know would forget it.  The old saying HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF isn’t just an idle saying–it’s the truth if we don’t learn from it.

I especially like the quotes at the bottom.
Thomas Jefferson


Thomas Jefferson was a remarkable man who began his learning very early in life and never stopped.

At 5, he began studying under his cousins’ tutor.

At 9, he studied Latin, Greek and French.

At 14, he studied classical literature and additional languages.

At 16, he entered the College of William and Mary.

At 19, he studied Law for 5 years, starting under George Wythe.

At 23, he started his own law practice.

At 25, he was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.

At 31, he wrote the widely circulated “Summary View of the Rights of British America ” and retired from his law practice.

At 32, he was a Delegate to the Second Continental Congress.

At 33,he wrote the Declaration of Independence.

At 33, he took three years to revise Virginia ‘s legal code and wrote a Public Education bill and a statute for Religious Freedom.

At 36, he was elected the second Governor of Virginia succeeding Patrick Henry.

At 40, he served in Congress for two years.

At 41, he was the American minister to France and negotiated commercial treaties with European nations along with Ben Franklin and John Adams.

At 46, he served as the first Secretary of State under George Washington.

At 53, he served as Vice President and was elected president of theAmerican Philosophical Society.

At 55,he drafted the Kentucky Resolutions and became the active head ofRepublican Party.

At 57, he was elected the third president of the United States .

At 60, he obtained the Louisiana Purchase, doubling the nation’s size.

At 61, he was elected to a second term as President.

At 65, he retired to Monticello .

At 80, he helped President Monroe shape the Monroe Doctrine.

At 81, he almost single-handedly created the University of
Virginia and served as its first president.

At 83, he died, on the 50th anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence along with John Adams.

Thomas Jefferson knew because he himself had studied the previously failed attempts at government.  He understood actual history, the nature of God, God’s laws, and the nature of man. That happens to be way more than what most understand today. His is a voice from the  past to lead us into the future.

John F. Kennedy held a dinner in the white House for a group of the brightest minds in the nation at that time.. He made this statement:” This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.”

When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe , we shall become as corrupt as Europe.
Thomas Jefferson

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
Thomas Jefferson

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes, a principle which if acted on, would save one-half the wars of the world.
Thomas Jefferson

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
Thomas Jefferson

No free man shall ever be deprived the use of arms.
Thomas Jefferson

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.
Thomas Jefferson

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.
Thomas Jefferson

Thomas  Jefferson said in 1802:
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.  If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property – until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

I wish we could get this out to everyone!!!  It seems this has happened with the banking industry!  What with bailouts, derivative schemes, and the Federal Reserve printing money out of thin air, to pay for wars that aren’t necessary (except for oil companies and military contractors), and food stamps for 1 out of 7 Americans, whose job got shipped to China or India.

I’m doing my part.  Please do yours.

PRAY FOR AMERICA because the rest of the world needs us to survive too.
George Hunt


NEW Hullabaloo: call to action Kennedy Bonds George Hunt

I mentioned the word “hullabaloo” in my message to you. the word hullabaloo means “noisy excitement”. Rogets’s Thesaurus gives other synonyms such as noise, racket, hubbub, din, uproar, clamor and tumult. Here are my suggestions to each of you who love our country to create this hullabaloo. Please send this message further and share it with each of your personal email contacts. Eventually, millions of people will demand a transparent treasury and a transparent treasurer. We must demand an audit, an accounting, of the $700 Billion TARP funds Timothy Geithner has controlled and from where did the $134 Billion Kennedy Bonds emerge? And Why are we sending Billions to foreign banks? Please follow these easy instructions about how you can participate in the Hullabaloo. Number one: Pass this message on to every personal contact you have on your email lists. Send a link from this video here and share it. You can also share the message on twitter, facebook and youtube. Who stole the Kennedy bonds ? Number two: Use our link to complain to your senators and representatives about potential fraud in the Treasury department. This is how you do it: You can find out who you congressman and senator is by going to this page on the government website. Type in your state and county, then your representatives will pop up, Send the message…no more big bad banks! We want thee Kennedy bonds back. Number three: Ask God to save our nation. A special prayer for all of my work here on the big bad bank would help. ask god in your prayers to not let America succumb to world domination by diabolical forces in Banks or bearer bonds…….. I will pray for you too. And once again you can see all of my videos, audio tapes and book right here at

Watch the Stolen Kennedy Bonds: Whodunit? Video Here to contact your state representatives mentioned in this video can be found here: You can contact him here:

Bloomberg has not kept its promise to fight for transparency

My Fellow world Citizens

Would/could one of the addressees bring me up to date
concerning the above lawsuit. I recently launched a DVD/Videotape on
the subject of the lack of transparency in the Treasury Department and
then I ran across your article that gave me the impression that you
were doing something about it. After two years of strenuous legal
work, where are you in the matter? Is this another dead case that
journalists say is being done, but it isn’t?
Please, find out to whom all the treasury’s money is going and what
are the instruments that created the presumed indebtedness of AIG and
other huge banks. Was there possible stealth afoot in applying the
TARP and other funds? What has Geithner touched that may be contrary
to honesty and ethics? Look at his income tax history in Wikipedia
for a start.
My God, if Bloomberg has not kept its promise to fight for
transparency in this case and then let it die, then shame on whoever
did not pursue it. Were they mere soothsayers who promised to gain
transparency and then let the case peter out somewhere in the system?
Thank you for listening and I really would like to chat briefly with
one of you about where this case is really at. Sincerely, George W.
P.S.: The videotape I recently launched about the lack of treasury
transparency can be seen at ““. Its subject is “The
Kennedy Bonds: Whodunit?”

My letter to Benedetti-Valentini

August 26, 2010

Dear Mr. Benedetti-Valentini:
Thank you for your reporting about Banque Credit Agricole’s
fantastic profit performance. The news is all over town that Agricole
Credit is on the rise! My goodness, they only changed their public
name to Bank Agricole in February 2010 and their Chief Executive
Officer Jean-Paul Chifflet only took the reins of the bank six months
ago in March 2010. Already Agricole is receiving awards for this and
that from JPMorgan, Chase and others. Already their profits are
soaring. They have acquired a string of 172 banks in Italy
through their purchase of Intesa’s majority stake. Credit Agricole
must be a very rich bank to buy a whole chain of banks only six months
after they began their retail presence! Objective, independent,
auditors have not yet gotten their hands on Agricole Credit’s Balance
Sheet. It is essential to do so before Italy makes a very bad decision and
allows Agricole to overwhelm their financial platforms.
A quick background check on Agricole’s rising star begins with
the conference I attended in September 1987 (the 4th World Wilderness
Conference [See ““, my U.S. site for info]). I was
an official there and witnessed the beginning stage of Agricole Credit
by Baron Edmond de Rothschild and Messrs Maurice Strong, David
Rockefeller, Treasury Secretary Baker, McNeill (Geneva U.N.) and many
more financial — and environment — leaders and dignitaries
world-wide. Did you know about this bank conference? Very few did.
After Rothschild’s enactment to create this bank I began work tracing
activity toward a World Conservation Bank concept. For over 23 years I
have gradually seen how Rothschild is going to pull it off. Agricole
Credit is the banking system he is using to absorb each country’s
banking systems. Once he controls the credit and currencies of the
world, he’s on his way to whatever his heart may delight in, including the
destruction of indigenous people and surrounding wildlife. It certainly will
not be blessings, as the new Rothschild society will be a demonic
deluge. Their ultimate plans are known to me now but I shall stay to the point.
Leave it to say it won’t be “nice” as. I foresee that an
intolerable medieval society will come to pass with billions of people
disenfranchised from their inalienable rights to life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness through Agricole.
The bank will eventually collapse because of the false surpluses
which have been intentionally created through their acquisition of the
defunct Credit Lyonnaise Bank, also known as the “Dead Phoenix Bank”.
Bank accounting is on an accrual basis and Agricole can develop
profits where no actual money was received. Their falsified asset
values need to be exposed right now to correct dishonesty in their
accounting methods before they metastasize themselves into every
economy and every household.
Were the quarterly reports which they provided to you correct?
Have good, sound, accounting standards been established through
examination by independent auditors? I’m talking about honest,
vigilant, independent auditors,; not Agricole’s protests to choose
their own auditors, Objective auditors will plod through the numbers and,
for example, determine if AIG’s transfer of U.S. TARP funds to
Agricole was based upon a falsified loan receivable set up by Agricole
Credit in anticipation of the world financial plunge in 2008. Other
falsifications have certainly occurred, knowing the nature of the
bank’s creators. How was this $3 billion receipt of U.S. monies
through AIG reflected on Agricole’s (so far untouchable) Balance
Sheet? General questions will get general answers: Only a complete
audit can determine who is cheating. Agricole requires a thorough
audit of their books.
Agricole Credit was created out of the shell of Credit Lyonnaise,
the financial agency used to purchase equipment to massacre 800,000
persons in Rwanda. “Ethnic genocide” the U.N. named it. The
Rothschild group took over Lyonnaise’s assets after most of their
oriiginal records had been supposedly lost in a 1996 fire. The
Lyonnaise reputation was severely damaged when the Rwanda plot was
discovered. Rothschild’s group bought Lyonnaise and then created
asset values at will, out of thin air.
Agricole’s Balance Sheet reflects false surpluses concocted after
the Lyonnaise fire. One of the things they may have done was to
create a notes receivable from AIG for a $3 billion debt supposedly
owed to them by AIG. Did AIG show this as a loan payable on their
books? When and why? It’s hard to for Agricole to cook up a note
receivable without AIG’s assistance. We all know about AIG’s
principles and ethics because of their deceit in banking. AIG’s books were
doctored up to create that loan payable. Ask the AIG auditors to
confirm a rational reason for their indebtedness to AIG. In other
words, how were their assets created? This is the kind of examination
that intense auditing must determine at this stage of Agricole’s
instense growth. Look at all the harm AIG caused due to fraudulent bookkeeping. When AIG took its bailout money and paid over $3
billion to Agricole Credit, were the indebtedness facts true or false?
Do we know? Do many people know of these potential irregularities?
Please, push for a substantial audit of Agricole Credit.
Italy may regret the intrusion of Agricole into their fianancial
systems some day. This Rothschild banking creation will do harm to
all societies and economies everywhere.
I will close now, though there is still much I could tell about
Baron Rothschild, Maurice Strong and the bankers. Thank you again,
Mr. Benedetti-Valentini, for your good report in the Bloomberg
Financials about Agricole Credit’s wonderful 89 percent profit
increase. Just take it with a slight grain of salt. I would like to hear from you and get your thoughts about this bewildering email I am
sending to you. Perhaps your keen journalism abilities can clear this
atmosphere of intrigue. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or seek further clarification please due not hesitate to contact me.
Sincerely Yours,
George W. Hunt 303-834-8004

TARP funds

August 11, 2010
Hello Readers! The suspicious missing TARP funds
were given to many foreign banks through AIG. For example, the
billions given to AIG by our government passed through AIG into the
hands of Rothschild’s Banque Agricole. Over three billion dollars of
the taxpayers’ money poured into the hands of Agricole based on an
unaudited suspicious loan payable on AIG’s accounting books.
TARP officials insisted that AIG settle its huge loan with
Rothschild’s Agricole Bank before others were paid off by AIG.
Somehow, possibly by stealth, Rothschild’s Agricole Bank chain cashed
in on America’s TARP money.
Our question might be: Were the AIG loans honestly incurred by
AIG or were they deviously created in preparation for the fall of AIG?
I think the U.S. taxpayers have been “foiled again”.

George Hunt


August 6, 2010

Hello! Our search for the ultimate Rothschild “World
Conservation Banking Programme” is producing more concrete evidence of
where it came from and where it’s going. The last blog I produced
stated that “BANQUE CREDIT AGRICOLE” is the appellation of this
emerging world banking octopus.
The five-month old “AGRICOLE BANK” has already been awarded
honors by JPMorganChase for very effective banking. When Chase
blesses a bank, a cozy relationship May probably be in the stew. Time
will tell.
Remember from the last blog that Banque Edmond de Rothschild,
Geneva, has been noted in the AGRICOLE bank publications that the
Rothschilds are important AGRICOLE confidantes and advisers.
According to AGRICOLE sites, AGRICOLE is currently spreading its
French tentacles throughout the globe to eventually control world
I believe AGRICOLE is ballooning with fraudulent assets in most
areas of its systems. Chances are almost 100 percent that they
haven’t ever received a complete HONEST audit of the primary and
affiliate banking members. Its true capital base is suspected by
fellow bankers ever since they acquired bankrupt CREDIT LYONNAISE (and
possibly placed fictitious and non-performing assets into their
balance sheet in the process to give the bank an appearance of
strength. (see previous blog).
Society will be victimized by this ultimate bank and its
possibly-sinister directorship.

Sincerely, George Hunt

The World Conservation Bank is un-stoppable

August 7, 2010
Alas, the World Conservation Banking System does not
stoppable—unless an Act of Almighty God intervenes. Edmond de
Rothschild’s world banking system is so complex, so infiltrated with
graft, lies and even murder, and is supported by so many “respectable”
world bankers who love money and fear Rothschild, that the system
cannot be unraveled from its present irrevocable course toward world
despotism and ruin–except (temporarily) for the rich elite. After
the deluge, Rothschild will most likely sateal from his elite
friends–as he did in the Waterloo stock market in 1815. That’s the
only humor in this story.

We can be practically assured that the U.S. will fall into the
hands of the international banking cabal. As we learned from the
Germans in 1933, after the bankers are ensconced, then come the
terrorists, mercenaries, nazis and menscheviks–all under the red flag
of Rothschild. Russia was the first great nation conquered by the
Rothschilds; America is next. England was conquered long ago (1815)
when the Rothschilds mercilessly gained control of the Bank of

England hated the U.S. for their successful revolution against
King George. Rothschild and England have, ever since, performed nasty
activities against the U.S. to eventually give them control over our
country. Canada submitted to become a Crown Colony of the Queen of
England and, since, has been used to buffet the U.S. on many
occasions, (such as supporting the ugly presence of Maurice Strong and
his multiple violations of water rights, mineral rights, political
ethics, stealing from the U.N., etc.)

For those wishing to share my disappointments, Google “AIG
Rothschild”, “Agricole Egypt Rothschild” and, particularly, “HSBC Bank
Rothschild” (short for “Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation”),
or any major world bank. HSBC seems to be moving as fast as Credit
Agricole to weave its banking webs of Control to catch us spiders and
little flies at the Teller’s Window. Google any major bank plus
“Rothschild” and it may help one understand that his financial web has
been laid and we merely need to wait for the “Deluge”.
Sincerely, George Hunt.

World Conservation Bank | Update!

July 29, 2010
Dear Readers: Here is an update about the status of the WORLD
CONSERVATION BANK’S progress toward its impending monopoly of the
world banking systems. Its current “front name” is BANQUE CREDIT
AGRICOLE. In its present form it is a French-based international
banking consortium with Bank Privee Edmond de Rothschild heavily
involved in its international growth and formation. The Bank seems to
be the forerunner of the ultimate ROTHSCHILD WORLD CONSERVATION BANK,
BANQUE CREDIT LYONNAISE HISTORY: The Bank changed its name from
CALYON (Credit Agricole {CA} and Bank Credit Lyonnaise [LYON]) to
Banque Credit February 2010. It has already acquired a
strong presence in over 60 countries. Credit Agricole controls each
bank in each of its country locations by acquiring stakes in the local
country banks: Perhaps thereby establishing tentacles of control in
preparation for the “right time” to exercise Rothschild’s world
control over banking. The Bank is #1 in France and soon will be #1 in
Europe. It has 160,000 employees. It’s already a big monster.
Credit Lyonnaise opened its doors when the Suez Canal opened in
the late 1800’s. By 1900 it was the largest bank in the world mostly
due to the vast Suez revenues it had received. Credit Lyonnaise
sustained great damage in a 1996 “accidental fire” that destroyed many
of its important bank records. This fire occurred a few years after
Credit Lyonnaise was proven to have distributed millions of funds for
arms purchases from South Africa, Russia, Israel, the U.S, etc. to
decimate the Tutsi’s in the Rwanda massacre. Citibank, Chase and many
other banks assisted in money-laundering operations, bribes and other
illegal operations at the same time. Egypt was a key party in arming
the Tutus for this ethnic cleansing scheme.
The horrible murders of 800,000 Tutsi’s in the incredible 1994
Rwandan genocide/population reduction scheme is an indictment against
the ethics and nature of Credit Lyonnaise. Soon it may be our only
world banking system, perish the thought! (Note: See Wikipedia about
Credit Lyonnaise history and the Rwanda massacre). This Agricole Bank
may be the foetus of the World Conservation Bank. Let’s watch it grow
in the U.S. It may have different names. I’ll keep you posted.
After the 1996 fire, the Credit Lyonnaise Bank began to
reconstruct itself–and the bank’s Balance Sheet as well. It may have
been very tempting to create billions of non-existent assets out of
the ashes, such as fictitious “loans receivable” from non-existent
debtors. etc,and impart astronomical values to them. It would give a
bank the appearance of being strong and wealthy where it may actually
be an absolute fraud. It needs close examination by impartial
auditors. I believe that the Bank may have the appearance of
possessing greater capital and wealth on its official balance sheet
than may be actually true. I’ll look into the matter. Their balance
sheet MUST be audited very carefully, very soon, before it emerges any
further as an international bank. If non-existent or inflated assets
are located by the auditors in the Balance Sheet, the lies could cause
an eventual collapse of the world banking systems.
I personally believe the Directors of the bank are deceiving the
public about this bank’s true capital worth. Auditors are needed
quickly to get their hands on the bank’s balance sheets to learn if
the bank is a phony. A good honest bevy of bank auditors can find out
quickly if the bank has made errors in judgement….before it becomes
an impenetrable World Conservation Bank.



Support this Worldwide Project With Your Donations! Donations over $29.00 will receive a 60 page manual, a Big Bad Bank DVD, a “Beat The Bank” lapel button, and an ongoing blog to follow current information about The Big Bad Bank in return for your efforts.

Amounts of
$5.00 — $10.00 — $25
$50 — $100 — $500
$1000 or more.

Everything helps. Thank You!

Make checks payable to:

The Big Bad Bank
P.O. Box 20547
Boulder Colorado 80308

My letter to Karen Tostado

May 24, 2010

Dear Karen Tostado (and also to the “” blog readers):

Your information about foreign troops building up in areas of the U.S. is very ominous and foreboding. Many have expected that it would come to pass and it now seems the pot may be simmering. Yes, this is ominous. Keep your readers posted as you continue probing, Karen.
Even while we resist these ravenous beasts, however, the controlled media uses “patriotism” as if it were a bad thing. Things we say are readjusted by the “yellow press”. For instance, perhaps the yellow press is ordered to ignite a revolution by emphasizing the peoples’ “anger and unrest” and magnifying local prrotests into huge tempests, etc. Then the troops will move in on the energy of our “paranoia and hysteria”.
I have learned that certain TV Evangelists and Publicists like Alex Jones, Cerullo, Billy Graham Jr., Ventura, Glenn Beck, even Karen Tostado or Me could be “moles”. Judge them by their fruits., sEven today we could be feeding their fires to innocently create a dynamic, a “friction”, to be used at a particular time by the controlled media, perhaps at the point when panic and other human emotions need to be raised to a high-enough pitch to justify Obama to “over-react” and call in foreign troops. Who knows?
The world order uses this “dialectic materialism” modus operandi wherein the insiders create the “positive synthesis” out of the opposites. I see them constructing a fascist world government right before my eyes through this technique. God has promised the world that, in the end, Satan will fall.
As you know, the system plants “moles” (spies and insiders) inside the group, a Judas so to speak, , among whomever they maythe revolution crowd swith their hidden agendas. . As popular indignation increases to ignition point, the foreign troops are urgently called to “restore order”. I’m just guessing, but that might be why the National Guard, etc., are being slowly put together–like the Rothschild Hessians, the Huns will come to America.

Sincdrely, George Hunt

Iran, Nukes and you

April 17, 2010

Greetings, My Friends!
These are interesting times. The publicity glitz which has been
growing against Iran’s justifiable nuclear capability is now earning
full limelight. Iran is a sovereign nation, only doing what a
sovereign nation can do to defend itself from Israel, Jordan or
others. Senator McCain said on April 14, 2010, quoted by
“Iran will get the bomb unless the United States acts more boldly”
and, “The U.S. keeps pointing a loaded gun at Iran but (is) failing to
pull the trigger”.
What trigger, McCain? Medicine deprivation? Public
congratulations and honors to companies that pull their business out
of Iran? Oh no, I forgot. The United Nations segment of the World
Order has already created those sanctions, haven’t they?

Who and what monsters will gain benefits if Iran is finally
crushed by the media? 1) The Oil Trusts gain control of Iran’s vast
oil pools and 2) Israel eliminates Iran as a nuclear deterrent
capabiliity in case Israel might decide to bomb their neighbors.

A New Subject:
A person asked me if I believed that Rome and Edom are in
confederacy with each other. Yes, I definitely believe that the
Rothschilds scheme with the Vatican on a daily basis. They have
worked together at least since the time when Pontius Pilate (Rome) and
Herod (Edom) condemned Jesus Christ to death. I recall the New
Testament stated that they became friends after Jesus Christ was
condemned and executed.

I hope to talk with you soon. Sincerely, George Hunt

Maurice Strong, the Rothschild Dynasty and Lexam Explorations

March 19, 2009

Hello Everyone!

My absence was caused by a move to my new home in Longmont, Colorado. Another absence was a side-issue with the new world order who happen to be stealing millions from the American taxpayers by way of getting millions of dollars from the Feds and Colorado through phony mineral rights sales. Too complicated to go into it, but the names of the three major phonies are Maurice Strong, the Rothschild Dynasty and Lexam Explorations. The CEO of Lexam Explorations is reputed to be the next president of the World
Bank, so we’re playing hard-ball with these creeps. They are selling dirt (minerals) and then sending part of the funds to Rob McEwen of Lexam Explorations to purchase gold mines throughout the world. I believe that Gold is not appreciating with inflation because
Rothschild owns and/or controls the gold mines, the gold sales and the gold. Bad short-term market. Speaking of the Rothschilld Dynasty, they are the creators of world wars, devastators of economies, everything evil. They have made a deal with “Lucifer” (Satan) so the story goes, and through his intelligence, they own over 50 percent of the world’s wealth. Their
cousins, the Rockefellers, add even more wealth to the Rothschild/Rockefeller bulging balance sheets. The dynasties have sworn to take vengeance on anyone who tries to expose their cruel,
evil activities. They know the truth will expose their activities and the truth will make us free for a period of time. I have learned that the Rothschilds leave a seat free at their
meals for Lucifer. I didn’t know that I was sitting in Satan’s private chair when I joined the Rothschilds for luncheon at the 4th World Wilderness Congress in September 1987! Study the entire story of Jacob and Esau (Red Child).in Genesis from the point where Rebecca feels the Jacob/Esau twins fighting in her womb. Jacob and Rebecca eventually trick Isaac to take away Abraham’s promise from Esau as the first-born over to his twin brother, Jacob. Esau goes “nuts” and vengefully weds into the evil families of the Canaanites, Ishmaelite and Hittites. The evil increases from there and includes Herod (an Edomite) and Pontius Pilate (a Roman) into the evils of our present world. Edom and Rome are the centers of evil I have learned and only God can defeat their conspiracies. I am just along for the ride while God works.

Sincerely, George Hunt

New World Order.. in case you wern’t listening

It’s a very long story–almost incredible. You can witness my battle ground, my losses and my slight victories if you would please see my site ““. It is laughable material to many, but I come armed with facts: And the New World Order crowd know it. Nature Conservancy was the so-called independent conservation group that was chosen by many authorities to handle the Great Sand Dunes National Park creation and very complicated redistribution of vast lands (including a mountain). They also handled the funds streaming in from the the federal government, the Yale Endowment Fund, a big loan at low interest from a private endowment fund The funds came in and the money poured oat. Except for about $8 million that was paid to AWDI, Maurice Strong or other inter-connected
corporations, partnerships, et al. Some residents in the San Luis Valley/Crestone area smell a
rat…and so do I. The crux is that payment to parties who were not legally qualified to receive them may have been made, and I merely want to audit their books with the assistance of an auditor who I will pay to assist me. In return, they block my emails between me and you: Yet you communicate with Betsy with no blockage. NatCons people do not receive my appointment requests and very reluctantly return my insistent phone calls. , in a word, they seem to have a “keep away” air about them. Nature Conservancy will be doing another deal similar to the Great Sand Dunes deal sometime “before May 27, 2010” I understand. Beware the “conservationists” bearing gifts. Lexam Exploration is part of this confusing circle of financial ledger domain. Robert E. McEwen, CEO, allegedly tapped for the World Bank leadership, is playing the minerals game on the Baca with the federal money as well They’ll get millions for their “mineral rights” and Strong will get millions for his “water rights” he does not own and the “naive” NatCons crowd innocently watches the United States, the Indians and Saguache County citizens lose their precious God- inspired land to the ravenous, persons’ who have invaded the show.

The big Bad Bank & George Hunt Explode on web video

Hello Everyone!
Wow! Over 100,000 hits on the DVD’s in thebigbadbank site and
other sites! The expose of the world order is taking shape. The
Internet is rumbling against the New World Order. Keep it up. No
wonder John D. Rockefeller IV (“Jay”) is trying to control the
Internet. The Edomite Children of Esau (“Red-Child” = Roche “Feller”
& “Rot” Child) are certainly quaking. They know they are undone if
the people would only demand their destruction. Unfortunately, they
also have the power in their grasp to destroy civilization..
May I suggest that you open a Bible and note the historical
record of the Esau-Jacob conflict in Genesis. Then go to Wikipedia
and see “Edom”, “Esau” and related subjects and you will learn that
Edom controls the power of the present world’s systems with the
intention of eventually killing Israel (Jacob)–and most others along
the way “the cannon fodder”..
No new talk show invitations have occurred. No new offers to
appear on any talk shows throughout the nation. This disappoints me.
Are the stations threatened “not to have that guy, George Hunt, on
your radio talk show—or else.”?. As you may recall in my original
1988 video tape, talk show host Allen Dale, a Texas talk show host,
lost his job for having me on again the next week. The radio station
was bought out, allegedly by the world order crowd. This indicates
that the materials we release are “close to the bone”.
An email was delivered to us that revealed significant
information that an underground bank exists within the craters created
by the scores of A-Bomb “test” explosions after WWII. Bikini Atoll may
house an underwater Rothschild bank which currently (allegedly)
processes most of the world’s credit card transactions. Ten years ago
a knowledgeable person told me the same story—that there is a bank
submerged in the Marshall Islands which processes all soothe worlds’
credit card activities. Look up Bikini Atoll and Marshall Island note the easy tax and banking restrictions on the Marshall
Islands for a general knowledge of the place.
Gotta go for now. I’ll talk again real soon. Sincerely, George Hunt

An email arrived condemning me for speaking ill of Gro Harlem Brundtland

January 26, 2010

Hello Folks!
An email arrived condemning me for speaking ill of Gro Harlem
Brundtland. I do not condemn Gro for who Gro is. I just don’t agree
with the job which her higher authorities have given her to do. Gro
is a charming, vivacious, intelligent, personable, loving, bold,
person. I like that in a person. I worked with her and all the
others to make the Fourth World Wilderness Conference (4thWWC) a
successful experience for everyone. She, Maurice Strong, Edmond de
Rothschild and we Official Hosts did a great job together.
“Gro Harlem Brundtland is a member of a greatly-respected
community”. This statement came out of the mouth of the late Edmond
de Rothschild. He said this as he announced that the attendees at
the 4thWWC “have decided to adopt this bank and I have asked the
Honorable Gro Harlem Brundtland, a member of a greatly-respected
community, to present it to the United Nations next month for
adoption”. (Ed: Who would that “community” be? Come on, be
open-minded—put it together. He is speaking of the Aristocracy, the
ultimate leaders in the coming world order).
Rothschild dictated the World Conservation Bank into existence in
the guise of a democratic conference. The raised right arms among some
of the crowd at the conclusion of the Rothschild meeting did make me a
little nervous. This huge bank will operate solely or in a oligopoly
of banks and will dictate the currencies of the world, credit
throughout the world, a world credit card and the ability to seize any
property they set themselves up to take.
Have you noticed how the bank seems to place personalities ahead
of personalities? I belong to the belief that it should be the other
way around. I believe that honesty requires that honest principles
should be our guide–not a person who is obviously favored (read of
her mercuric rise in the world order)s personalities (i.e., Gro Harlem
Brundtland). above principles (i.e., an honest bank).
Bribers, thieves, plunderers and the too-many treasonous senators
and representatives are actively undermining our country. Believe it
and tell your talk show hosts to have me on the air to explain it to
you. By now, unfortunately, they have probably received the word not
to have me on their show “or they will regret it”. There are other
ways: “Hey, Senator John D. Rockefeller IV (“Jay”): You want to
control the internet; you want the government to have the power to
shut down “our” internet in favor of commerce and the military.
People, we must unravel what he is doing (if we can). Report your
“suspicions” and we’ll come together on Alex Jones” or Jesse Ventura’s
programs to report our conclusions. OK? Let’s work together on
keeping the government too much into internet restrictions.

Watch the videos here

VerySincerely Yours, George Hunt