George Hunt on The Alex Jones Show

Alex Jones Show

See George Hunt on The Alex Jones radio show January 12, 2010

Alex welcomes to the show George Washington Hunt, a former naval officer and an official host at the UNCED 4th World Wilderness Congress. Hunt is educating the public on a secret bank set in motion by international financier Edmond de Rothschild and Maurice Strong. Hunt exposes this conspiracy in his 30 minute documentary, The Big Bad Bank.

My letter to Karen Tostado

May 24, 2010

Dear Karen Tostado (and also to the “” blog readers):

Your information about foreign troops building up in areas of the U.S. is very ominous and foreboding. Many have expected that it would come to pass and it now seems the pot may be simmering. Yes, this is ominous. Keep your readers posted as you continue probing, Karen.
Even while we resist these ravenous beasts, however, the controlled media uses “patriotism” as if it were a bad thing. Things we say are readjusted by the “yellow press”. For instance, perhaps the yellow press is ordered to ignite a revolution by emphasizing the peoples’ “anger and unrest” and magnifying local prrotests into huge tempests, etc. Then the troops will move in on the energy of our “paranoia and hysteria”.
I have learned that certain TV Evangelists and Publicists like Alex Jones, Cerullo, Billy Graham Jr., Ventura, Glenn Beck, even Karen Tostado or Me could be “moles”. Judge them by their fruits., sEven today we could be feeding their fires to innocently create a dynamic, a “friction”, to be used at a particular time by the controlled media, perhaps at the point when panic and other human emotions need to be raised to a high-enough pitch to justify Obama to “over-react” and call in foreign troops. Who knows?
The world order uses this “dialectic materialism” modus operandi wherein the insiders create the “positive synthesis” out of the opposites. I see them constructing a fascist world government right before my eyes through this technique. God has promised the world that, in the end, Satan will fall.
As you know, the system plants “moles” (spies and insiders) inside the group, a Judas so to speak, , among whomever they maythe revolution crowd swith their hidden agendas. . As popular indignation increases to ignition point, the foreign troops are urgently called to “restore order”. I’m just guessing, but that might be why the National Guard, etc., are being slowly put together–like the Rothschild Hessians, the Huns will come to America.

Sincdrely, George Hunt