George Hunt speaks with Charlie Mcgrath and Wide Awake News Wednesday Mar 13, 2013 at 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

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Watch or listen to Charlie Mcgrath’s Wide Awake News Chat with George W. Hunt about The Big Bad Bank’s new video: The African Internet, Silicon Valley and the Alliance for an Affordable Internet. If possible we will also host the archive of the radio show in case you miss it.

Scheduled show time: Wednesday Mar 13, 2013 at 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM MST

Either way, let’s get the ball rolling on this one, the U.S. government and the state department are spending $100’s of billions of dollars on research and development in Silicon valley and a lot of that is aimed at growing an African Internet that has no great benefit for America.

Wide Awake News with Charlie McgrathWide Awake News Chat Room

More Shock!! The African Internet, Silicon Valley and “The Alliance For An Affordable Internet”

February 22, 2013
Continuing in this breaking story George Hunt now produces his latest video on how Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obam conspire to fleece the American people of 307 Billion dollars by creating an internet in Africa for bush tribes!

George Hunt presents his findings on what the governments 307 billion dollars in grants to the Silicon valley are going to. In this investigation he uncovers the results almost 2 years after the original grants were proposed and we learn that a lot of that money is going in to build an internet pipeline in Africa and bringing African people online. George asks the looming question of why would we want to invest 10 percent of the US budget into Africa.

Pt. 2 – Jann Scott interviews George W. Hunt on the new video The African Internet, Silicon Valley and The Alliance for an affordable internet and they dig deeper into the issue of why America would want to spend so much money investing in African internet and providing the continent with more affordable technology resources when the returns on the initial work are so very small in comparison.

Full Video Descriptions Here

Find more info on the noted meeting in the The Murder of Ilya Zhitomirskiy