UNCED Earth Summit 1992 Pt. 3– The First, Seconds, Third Worlds
The First World, Second World, Third Worlds are used to describe blocks of political entities. The First World is the capitalist countries of Europe and North America who are industrial and therefore the world’s biggest polluters. The Second World is the Soviet Union and the Eastern bloc countries. The Second world countries are going to be saved by a Second Marshall plan created by the Rothschild Group, the truth comes out and we see examples of it in effect already. The Third World are those countries who have emerged since World War II, they are young and easily fooled and the World Bank drains their assets even faster than they can blink. In an article we see, Maurice Strong suggest that the Third World poor countries may start an uprising at the World Economic Forum held in Switzerland and demand that the First World countries sign an agreement to reduce their impact on the environment.