In September 1987 the late Edmund de Rothschild announced that an army of 300,000 environment police would be established. When? Nobody knows outside the UN’s inner party. I believe that “some time in the future” will occur when natural resource management, dictated by the United Nations, will be necessary to guard dams, aquifers, rivers and pure water sources from public demonstrators who thirst for cheaper, more-plentiful water and food.
A small example of environment protection forces might have already begun in Paraguay when an army of up to 500 U.S. troops were assigned to a Paraguayan army base near the George W Bush 100.000-acre ranch he purchased in 2006. Paraguay has promised that they will not interfere with the operations of the U.S. environment police.
As the UN’s water and food distributions run amok (which I believe they will), the need for an environment police force will become more clear. At this time I am only letting you know that the 300,000-person environment army has been decreed by Edmund de Rothschild’s 4th World Wilderness UNCED meeting and its’ implementation will certainly manifest itself as people clamor for more food and water.
Sincerely, George W Hunt