Hello Readers! The suspicious missing TARP funds
were given to many foreign banks through AIG. For example, the
billions given to AIG by our government passed through AIG into the
hands of Rothschild’s Banque Agricole. Over three billion dollars of
the taxpayers’ money poured into the hands of Agricole based on an
unaudited suspicious loan payable on AIG’s accounting books.
TARP officials insisted that AIG settle its huge loan with
Rothschild’s Agricole Bank before others were paid off by AIG.
Somehow, possibly by stealth, Rothschild’s Agricole Bank chain cashed
in on America’s TARP money.
Our question might be: Were the AIG loans honestly incurred by
AIG or were they deviously created in preparation for the fall of AIG?
I think the U.S. taxpayers have been “foiled again”.
George Hunt