MONEYCHANGER - Wait now. There are some code words passing here, aren't there? When Baker says something like that, he's talking in code about something else. What do you think he meant by this comment?

HUNT - I believe he was revealing in his comment that the success of the objective of the 4th WWC was to begin to rev up an intense conflict between these two opposites. After the talks for the public and the newspapers were finished on Sunday afternoon, we went up to the shirtsleeves sessions in Estes Park. I had lunch with Michael Sweatman, the president of the World Conservation Bank, and Baron and Mrs. Rothschild on Monday, and I was able to ask Sweatman how this bank was going to continue to operate without an “earnings engine.”

I told Michael that I didn't see any earnings engine inside the bank. Where were the earnings to run the bank going to come from, if all you have in it are these wilderness lands, reindeer hides, and so on, where is the source of capital for this bank and earnings going to come from? Wilderness lands cannot produce any economic benefit.

MONEYCHANGER - How will this World Conservation Bank scheme work exactly?

HUNT – At this point in time it seems like the WCB will be enacted through the United Nations, and will need to be approved by each country to participate. Then the Bank will be endowed with 30% of the earth's land surface and billions of income from selling bank shares TO THE VERY RICH ELITE.

HUNT – This bank will win the support of the masses, who say, God Bless you WCB, for saving our reindeer and saving us from global warming. That kind of ignorance will sell Rothschild’s bank to the public. The masses are not aware of the WCB’s tricks and therefore will be deceived. They don't suspect anything. They're VERY naive. They are not stupid, they’re ignorant.

HUNT - So the bank is endowed with a worthless asset of very low productive value, an asset worth how many trillions? Their accountants however, will evaluate this 50 million square kilometer <twelve and a half *billion* acres, 5 million hectares> hunk of wilderness lands at maximum value. The WCB will have the power to act as a world central bank. It can create soft currencies, not hard currencies, at this point. Soft currencies are used, as you probably know, for some purpose WITHIN a country. But what I picked up on is that the soft currencies can be spent outside of a country for environmental and ecological equipment. Well, hello, International Harvester, Mack Truck, etc., they're going to bring those soft currencies into the US, convert them into hard currencies, and we’ll experience subsequent dollar erosion and inflation.

MONEYCHANGER - That will be an international currency, in other words. You're calling it a soft currency, but in effect it'll be an international currency.

HUNT - It's not an international currency in the sense of a “one world currency” because soft currency will not be legal tender for all international transactions, yet. Now you know and I know that through currency and debt-for-equity swaps they're going to wheel and deal it from soft currencies into hard somehow. These guys are smart.

MONEYCHANGER - These are debt for equity swaps, which they've been talking about for several years. They're going to make their bad loans look good by collateralizing them after the fact with all of this land, and somebody, somebody, SOMEBODY is going to end up with title to twelve and a half billion acres.

HUNT – The Lands belong to the very rich elite, the shareholders of the bank. How will this project be put into effect? Will it be installed under the auspices of the United Nations? There was a United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development (UNED) created in 1982 that published what's called the Brundtland Report, actually entitled OUR COMMON FUTURE. (UNED) created UNCED (“unsaid”) for Rothschild’s bank scheme to come to pass.

MONEYCHANGER - How fast are they moving? When will they try to put this WCB into action?