George Hunt: The Fourth World Wilderness Conference
Beware the bankers bearing gifts- An interview with Mr. George Hunt
Excerpts from an Interview with the Money Changer Monetary Letter

Mr. George Hunt has been an accountant for small businesses, corporations, and partnerships for the past 18 years, specializing in physicians and dentists. He works also with general businesses, doing consulting, accounting, and tax work as well as investment counseling. He kindly made time for this interview on November 18, 1987. Concerning the establishment of the World Conservation Bank (WCB)

MONEYCHANGER - What was the Fourth World Wilderness Congress (“4th WWC”) that took place September 11th through September 18th?

HUNT - It was billed as a world-wide meeting to address global environmental concerns. It was actually produced by the moneychangers in the U.S., London and Europe, particularly the House of Rothschild.

MONEYCHANGER - That is a far-reaching charge. What basis do you have for that?

HUNT - Well, the London banker Baron Edmund de Rothschild was at the meeting for 6 days. Edmund de Rothschild was personally conducting the monetary matters and creation of this World Conservation Bank (WCB), in the company of I. Michael Sweatman of the Royal Bank of Canada. Those two were like Siamese twins, and that's why I say that it appears they were running at least the money side of this conference, and I would say the conference was primarily to get money. Also, David Rockefeller <of Chase Manhattan Bank> was there, and gave a speech on Sunday to the WWC and on Monday to the Denver CFR.

MONEYCHANGER - How many people were at the WWC?

HUNT - There were 1500 from 60 countries sign up at the first meetings in Denver. That was first 3 days before it went up into the mountains, where the shirtsleeve work was done.

MONEYCHANGER - Into the mountains where?

HUNT - We went up to Estes Park, Colorado from Monday through Friday, after the primary, public, meetings were held on the preceding Friday through Sunday afternoon at Currigan Hall in Denver. Rockefeller spoke that Sunday and there were keynote addresses about how great the conservation-versus industry dialect was. Then we adjourned to the YMCA camp facility in Estes Park for another 5 days of meetings where the banking portion of the 4th WWC agenda was introduced.

MONEYCHANGER - What whole idea?

HUNT - Oh, conservation, ecology, the world has a chance, we're going to beat the ozone deterioration, we're going to get the rain forests back together again. Secretary of the Treasury James Baker gave the keynote speech.

MONEYCHANGER - Was he there?

HUNT – Yes, he said that conservation requires "growth and development". There was a hum around the audience, because they knew that "growth and development" ventures are potentially hazardous to conservation.