David Rockefeller was dubbed “Mr. Development” at the 4th WWC and ex-EPA head William Ruckelshaus was dubbed “Mr. Environment”. They are the two ‘opposing camps’, and Mr. de Rothschild is the collector of their efforts, the synthesis.  

            Sir Laurens van der Post (mentor of Prince Charles) and many other representatives of the World Elite, spoke, or at least were in attendance assisting Rothschild in mobilizing a grim warfare between Development and Environment.

            The leaders of the Congress will control, and profit from, BOTH sides of the struggle. It’s a “no-win” struggle for humanity. As our tax money rolls out for far-fetched environmental innovations such as “creating dry ice machines to suck the carbon dioxide out of the air to create dry ice to keep the polar caps from melting”, as Rothschild proposes in his address, humanity will be in the clutches of a deadly (for the common man), losing, struggle between two irresistible forces and two immovable forces, all controlled from the top by the elite aristocracy.


            Speeches by Wilderness Leadership School experts shared with the audience the values to the soul and human potential of “the wilderness experience”. Speaking in the context of going on tours and hikes to bring people to the ‘growing edge’ of their capabilities and potentialities, I couldn’t help but wonder if Solzhenitsyn’s “gulags” were actually what was in the speakers minds. “The wilderness experience provides space for something new to happen. If unconscious patterns and values become clear, it can lead to important questions: Is there a better way? What is the meaning of my life? What goals should I pursue: What’s worth living for? What’s worth dying for?”

            Another proponent of the ‘wilderness experience’ submitted a paper on his favorite camping topic named Transpersonal Psychology (definitions: how to get above and beyond our personalities).  “To accomplish these goals (of reaching the hidden dimensions of the soul)”, the speaker intoned, “transpersonal psychology investigates and explores the deepest realms of the human consciousness.”

            “It seeks to understand how extraordinary and unusual events impact and affect the human psych e – such events as the wilderness experience, profound grief, the near-death experience, altered states of consciousness, the use of psychedelic substances, meditation and yoga, psychic phenomena, trance and mystical states of awareness. In its research, transpersonal in the ‘transformative process’: Preparation, exploration and integration”.

            The speaker did not mention “collectivization of individuals into world consciousness” as the fourth step, but it certainly would have been appropriate to the World Wilderness Concept. Perhaps you can grasp and understand why I have formed the belief that the catchy title of the Congress – The Fourth-World Wilderness – is just another Rothschild anagram. I believe the people running this show are going to take humanity into a wilderness of the soul: If society does not stop the intentions of the WWC megalomical crowd.