“So there is no better person. He epitomizes in his own life that ‘positive synthesis between environment and conservation on the one hand and economics on the other’. And I’m just delighted of having this opportunity of introducing to you Edmund de Rothschild”.

            There it is the Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis, of the 4th WWC and the House of Rothschild controls it all. Environment versus Economics equals The Power Center. It was merely a rephrasing of the struggle between Socialism on the one hand and Money interests on the other.


            “Maurice, thank you very much, indeed, for all you’ve said, and I would ask the audience to take with a slight grain of salt, all that he has said about me. I want to start a little bit of my talk to you in a somewhat different vein.

            “In order to further the ideals of the “World Wilderness Concept”, and to prevent the concept, and this concept, just to remain an “ideal”, it is of paramount importance to find ways and means of finding, and promoting, its rationale. There are these ways and means of putting this concept into effect, and overcoming, or minimizing, some of the (environment degradation) problems set our b the speakers in this Congress – such as pollution, prevention of acid rain, waste disposal.

            “There are alternative methods that are harmless for energy, and they are available. Alternative uses of water resources not involving vast inundations of land or displacing humans and its indigent (sic) wildlife.  Harnessing wave energy, solar energy, wind power, just to mention a few, to overcome the chilling, doom-laden, prognostications of Dr. Irving Mintzer’s “greenhouse effect”. Perhaps it could be possible to utilize CO-2, carbon dioxide, one of its main causes, to manufacture dry ice to maintain the polar caps, and the actual temperature of the ice there, and maintain their present temperature.

            Inoperable and modern technology, world waste material collected and perhaps burned in volcanic areas, or, perhaps, buried so deep in the earth in the wilderness desert area of the mid-Sahara, where nobody goes or in the empty quarter in Arabia, or the Gobi desert…..

            “But all these ideas and visions, some far-fetched and..(wanders)..above –all, the continuation of this Congress needs m-o-n-e-y.  a start has been made by the thoughts and care of one man, Michael Sweatman (the President of the World Conservation Bank). His ideas have had lip service paid to them by some of our speakers here during the Denver Congress. The meetings now of the International Conservation Governmental and inter -governmental agencies, the public and private agencies, large charitable foundations, as well as ordinary individuals, worldwide.

            “Michael Sweatman has written the forward to this concept. Its final form will, no doubt, be altered, watered-down, or widened, but this Convention MUST put forward this Charter. And with the ‘collective wisdom’ available her today, the Charter can be enhanced,  embracing those who have given their thoughts in the Denver Public Forum. By thinking forward as to how to reach out to the public-at-large, to every corporate entity throughout the world, to put aside, hopefully tax-free, a part of their profits to fund our ecological and environmental protection.

            “Ladies and gentleman, every country has its own problems, i.e., It’s indigenous peoples and its wildlife. This International Conservation Bank must know ‘no frontiers; no boundaries.’ Its funds must be used constructively and not, and not, to be channeled into greedy hands or weapons of destruction.