THE UNCED (pronounced “unsaid”)

The 4th World Wilderness Congress
The Announcement Of The Rothschild Plan Toward A New World Order

By George Hunt

            The 4th World Wilderness Congress (“4th WWC”) was not a “Conservation” Congress as the public generally understands the term. To my way of perception, this Colorado convocation of the elite and conservationists was a launching pad for the last chapter of world conquest by the elite. It was a public announcement of the ways and means by which the common man will become collectivized into a wilderness of futility and control.

            My first impressions of the 4th WWC were shared with you in the Bulletin of 2/88. Sometime later, the International Wilderness Leadership Foundation, the sponsors of the 4th WWC, published a book of the speeches which were presented at the Congress (For The Conservation of the Earth, Fulcrum Inc.) Colonel Roberts invited me to comment on the book’s contents, but I declined for the time being. I wasn’t ready yet to digest over 400 pages of speeches, particularly when I had not yet absorbed the import and magnitude of what I had personally witnessed. I was still dazed from the revelation of the subtlety and wicked intentions of certain crazed humanoids, so high up that no one can stop them.

            As Providence would have it, in April 1989, Admiral Nevin Shaffer sent a booklet to me by Ivor Benson. Only 60 pages long, it opened my eyes so that I knew that I could study the 4th WWC speeches with an academic structure. Benson’s This Age of Conflict: The Source and Technology of Illegitimate Power gave me additional intellectual tools to analyze the 4th WWC in a deeper way. I am indebted to Admiral Shaffer for his thoughtful gift. It acted as a catalyst to my thinking.

Ivor Benson’s Book

            This Age of Conflict showed me that, simply put, two opposing forces were at work in our society to create a social dynamic, a conflict. The process, the energy, of the conflict aided the goals of the powerful elite, a New World Order, which will be the future center of world power. The center of power controls both of the opposing forces and has intruded itself into virtually every area of society. These forces which oppose each other are popularly known as Socialism, the Thesis, and, on the other hand, Money Power as the Antithesis. The center of power which infiltrates, funds and controls both of these two opposing forces the Thesis and the antithesis (and therefore the resulting Synthesis), the “One World Order” as many call it.

            Mr. Benson’s writing style which enabled me to reflect upon the processes of the 4th WWC in a new light, a new perspective. Many of the slogans, phrases, eye-winking, cute double entendres and metaphors, which David Rockefeller, Edmond de Rothschild, Maurice Strong, William Ruckelshaus, and other speakers who shared the podiums, uttered, suddenly began to make more sense.  They weren’t dull speeches filled with pap; the speeches were loaded with information about the intentions of the New World Order. George Orwell called it “newspeak” in his novel 1984. I reviewed the speeches, reviewed their words in fresh light, and came to recognize that the game plan behind the debt swaps, civil wars, Group of Seven, et al, was delivered to the public, but the public (this fellow anyway) didn’t catch the drift of “what they were really saying”. Until now.