M. A. Partha Sarathy is a chairman of the IUCN Education Commission. A successful businessman in India and chairman of World Wildlife Fund (India), he travels constantly throughout the world promoting conservation education for people of all ages.

The Symbol of the IWLF is a Single Green Leaf – It’s a story:

The leaf of the coral tree (erythrina caffra) was chosen many years ago as the symbol of the World Wilderness Congress by Magqubu Ntombela, a tribal Zulu of the old tradition. In doing so, Magqubu said, “This tree is an ever-active part of nature. It has red flowers in winter and green leaves in summer. Each of the three parts of the leaf has a meaning – Man to Soil, Man to Man, and Man to God. Conservation must include all three.”

For further information, contact the President, International Wilderness Leadership Foundation, College of Forestry and National Resources, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523. Telephone: (303) 491-5804. Telex: 9103506369.

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to confront only the essential facts of life, and to see if I could not learn what it had to teach.”
Henry David Thoreau

“You are tired with years of civilization. I come and offer you what? A single green leaf.”
Grey Owl (Canada, 1930)